File contains CUE newsletter On Cue dated January 1990 to December 1990.
On Cue, December 1990 includes CUE representative list, President's report, list of shop stewards, Grievance Committee report, Contract Committee report, reprinted The Provincial article on pay equity, letter to the editor, Business Agent's report, CUPE Gender Neutral Job Evaluation Plan, reprinted Toronto Star article on Canada's recession, reprinted correspondence regarding the Goods and Services Tax Bill, minutes of general membership meetings dated November 22, 1990 and December 6, 1990, reprinted Globe article regarding cumulative trauma disorders, reprinted SoliNet Lounge satirical article regarding Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's, and welcome letter to new members.
On Cue, November 1990 includes CUE representative list, Contract Committee report, Secretary Treasurer's report, financial statements, reprinted Vancouver Sun article on fiscal incentives for businesses, advertisement for "GINGER: The Life and Death of Albert Goodwin" written by Susan Mayse, open appeal from CUPE to oppose GST, minutes of general membership meeting dated October 25, 1990, article regarding pension plans, change of address form, listing of endorsed candidates for 1990 civic elections, notice of two motions concerning office staffing and a dues increase, Union Organizer job description, and agenda for general mebership meeting dated November 22, 1990.
On Cue, October 1990 includes CUE representative list, President's report, Trustee's report, statements pulled from results of Contract Committee questionnaire, Business Agent's report, Secretary Treasurer's report, financial statements, Grievance Committee report, Health & Safety report, reprinted open letter from Canadian Union of Postal Workers requesting support for a strike vote, welcome letter to new members, labourer poetry, reprinted Canadian Interchange article regarding the GST, a crossword reprinted from the Metro Labour Education Centre, minutes of general mebership meeting dated September 20, 1990, and agenda for general membership meeting dated October 25, 1990.
On Cue, July 1990 includes CUE representatives list, President's report, Health & Safety Committee report, Contract Committee report, Grievance Committee report, Business Agent's report, open letter to Seymour Medical Clinic patients requesting support of binding arbitration for doctors, reprinted Associated Press article regarding reports of "bad bosses," reprinted Leader article regarding CUPE National finances, reprinted PC Magazine particle regarding occupational stress, welcome letter to new members, blank occupational health and safety fact sheet, minutes of general membership meeting dated June 21, 1990, and agenda for general membership meeting dated July 26, 1990.
On Cue, June 1990 contains a benefits update, CUE representatives and shop stewards lists, President's report, Business Agent's report, memo regarding the union's position on employer goal setting, Grievance Committee report, Contract Committee report, Health and Safety Committee report, financial reports, Secretary Treasurer's report, reprinted Globe and Mail article regarding gender pay inequity, reprinted CUPE 500 Information article regarding interest rates, reprinted Solinotes article regarding unionization of Manitoba nurses, reprinted Ottawa Citizen article regarding work naps, reprinted CLC Tax Facts article regarding GST, letters to the editory, notes to financial statements, Trustee's report, minutes of general membership meeting dated May 24, 1990, and agenda for general membership meeting dated June 21, 1990.
On Cue, May 1990 includes CUE representatives list, President's report, reprinted Globe and Mail article regarding gender pay inequity, correspondence regarding library cutbacks, Business Agent's report, Grievance Committee report, Contract Committee report, Employment Equity Committee report, Health & Safety Committee report, financial statements, article listing myths regarding women's wages, article on formaldehyde levels in the home, letter of welcome to new members, union song, minutes of general membership meeting dated April 26, 1990, and agenda for general membership meeting dated May 24, 1990.
On Cue, April 1990 ("Fight the GST" issue) includes President's report, Business Agent's report, Contract Committee report, Grievance Committee report, welcome letter to new members, article protesting the GST, information points on the GST, article on federal February budget, minutes of general membership meeting dated March 22, 1990, CUE representative list, and agenda for general membership meeting dated April 26, 1990.
On Cue, March 1990 (International Women's Day issue) includes CUE representatives list, notice of International Women's Week film screenings, Grievance Committee/Business Agent's report, President's report regarding UBC's 75th Anniversary Ceremony, Health & Safety Committee report, Contract Committee report, notice of 1989 United Way campaign success, reprinted Tribune article regarding food banks, notice of newsletter workshop, notice of RRSP contribution deadline, reprinted The Broadcaster article regarding library fees, reprinted article on union myths, letters to the editor, correspondence protesting the Lady Godiva Ride, reprinted Manitoba New Democrat article regarding child poverty, notice of CUPE 1970/VGH divisional meeting, welcome letter to new members, minutes of general membership meeting dated February 20, 1990, and agenda for general membership meeting dated March 22, 1990.
On Cue, February 1990 includes Communications Committee report, CUE representatives list, President's report, correspondence protesting the Lady Godiva Ride, Secretary-Treasurer's report, Grievance Committee report, Health & Safety Committee report, Business Agent's report, notice advising against improperly store books in case of earthquakes, news from other locals and unions, article on employment equity, reprinted article from the United Nations Environment Programme's Home Personal Action Guide, reprinted UAQ Solidarity article regarding fatigue, letters to the editor, financial statements, reprinted CUPE Hospital Worker article on GST, notice regarding solidarity against bombing of El Salvador union headquarters, minutes of general membership meeting dated January 18, 1990, and agenda for general membership meeting dated February 22, 1990.
On Cue, January 1990 includes CUE representatives list, Grievance Committee report, Contract committee report, Health and Safety Committee report, reprinted letters from The Library Journal regarding an article about library assistants, reprinted PC Magazine article regarding occupational stress in typists, reprinted article from the United Nations Environment Programme's Home Personal Action Guide, letter to the editor, minutes of general membership meeting dated November 23, 1990, printed speech from the December 11, 1989 vigil for the slain women students at the University of Montreal, and agenda for general membership meeting dated January 18, 1990.