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48 Archival description results for Fishing

48 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Alan Haig-Brown fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1698
  • Fonds
  • 1951 - 2012, predominant 1984-2012

The fonds consists primarily of Alan Haig-Brown's written and photographic works on the marine industry in Canada and internationally. Photographs document ships and boats, maritime scenes and personalities in fishing and ship-building. The geographical scope of the photographs includes British Columbia, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and Hawaii; Southern Coastal US (Texas and Louisiana); Thailand, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines; Netherlands; Brazil.

Textual records include annotated drafts for several of Haig-Brown's books, hand-written notes, newspaper clippings, design schematics and correspondence.

The fonds also contains audio recordings of interviews and oral histories with figures in the maritime trades.

Haig-Brown, Alan

Anglo-British Columbia Packing Company fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1010
  • Fonds
  • 1891-1968

The fonds consists of general ledgers, payroll ledgers, invoices, vouchers, fish registers and financial statements generated by A.B.C.'s affiliated canneries (1914-1968). These records originated primarily with the following canneries -- Alert Bay Plant (1947-1968), Boswell Cannery (1924-1934), Caledonia Cannery (1928-1959), Good Hope Cannery (1895-1968), Knight Inlet Cannery (1924-1961), McTavish Canner (1923-1939), North Pacific Cannery (1937-1958), Phoenix Cannery (1915-1967), and Seymour Cannery (1911-1913), as well as Britannia Shipyards (1934-1967).

Anglo-British Columbia Packing Company

Anthony Gargrave fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1207
  • Fonds
  • 1942-1966, predominant 1951-1958

The fonds consists mainly of subject files created by Anthony Gargrave in his work as a CCF MLA for the riding of Mackenzie, British Columbia, 1952-1958. Some of the subject areas include forestry, fishing, parks, education, municipal affairs, and Indian affairs.

Gargrave, Anthony, 1926-

B.C. Provincial Police Port Essington Office fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1068
  • Fonds
  • 1911, 1917

The fonds consists of incoming letters to Constable A. Forsythe regarding fishing licences and other matters as well as his report on the spawning grounds at Babine Lake and other locations.

British Columbia Provincial Police. Port Essington Office

Beaver Cannery fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1027
  • Fonds
  • 1905-1906, 1931-1939

The fonds consists of photocopied pages from time book (1905/06), fisherman's catch records (1933-1938) and journals (1931-1939).

Beaver Cannery

Bertrand Sinclair fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1504
  • Fonds
  • ca.1899-2001, predominate 1905-1950

Fonds consists of correspondence pertaining both to business matters and to Sinclair's writing (1905-1946), as well as personal correspondence with family and friends. Also included are manuscripts of short stories, novelettes and novels. Printed material contained in the fonds includes short stories, poetry, novelettes and novels. Fonds also contains photographs and photographic negatives, as well as log books, notebooks, maps/guidebooks, and ephemera.

Sinclair, Bertrand

Brian Hayward fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1242
  • Fonds
  • 1977-1984

The fonds consists of notes, reports, photocopies and other material relating to the organization and aims of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union, 1977-78, and the "Fish and Ships" project, a group study of the B.C. fisheries industry, fishing and fish processing labour force, and fishing communities on the B.C. coast, in the overall context of a study of capital and markets, 1981-1984.

Hayward, Brian

British Columbia historical postcard and photograph albums collection

  • RBSC-ARC-1059
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1860-1939], predominant [ca. 1900]-1921

The collection consists of ninety-one albums of postcards and photographs pertaining to views and scenes mainly in British Columbia, but also including Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and the Yukon as well as Europe. The views of British Columbia include views of the Rocky Mountains, Vancouver, Victoria, Mayne Island, and Buttle Lake (pre-1911) as well as those of logging (Capilano Timber Co., 1917-1920), mining (Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co. and Consolidated Cariboo Hydraulic Mining Co.) railways (Canadian Pacific Railway, Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, and Great Northern Railway) and shipping. In addition, there are postcards and photographs of the Hudson's Bay Company Kamchatka Venture, 1921, U.S. Civil War portraits and New Zealand shipping.

British Columbia Packers Limited fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1063
  • Fonds
  • 1892-1988

The fonds consists of records generated by British Columbia Packers Limited, its predecessor bodies, and individual canneries and plants owned by the company. In addition to financial records, it includes plant appraisements for various canneries and properties owned by B.C. Packers Ltd., as well as Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Company Ltd., Coast Oyster Company, Edmunds and Walker Ltd., J.H. Todd and Sons Limited, Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd., Nelbro Packing Co., Queen Charlotte Canners Ltd., Rupert Fish Co. Incorporated and Western Canada Whaling Company Ltd. Those canneries and properties include Alert Bay Cannery, Bella Bella Cannery, Boswell Cannery, Celtic Shipyards, Imperial Plant, Kildonan, Klemtu, Ladner Cannery, Masset, Namu Cannery, New Westminster Cannery, Paramount Cannery, Port Edward Cannery, Prince Rupert Plant, Quathiaski Plant, Richmond Plant, and St. Mungo Cannery. In addition, the fonds consists of fifty printer's blocks for producing lithograph salmon tin labels and approximately 100 plastic cards used for advertising fish products. Also included are miscellaneous items such as the Roll of Honour of the B.C. Canning Company listing men in service during World War I, Fraser River charts (ca. 1929-1947), a sample of receipts for tram passes to B.C., and a framed sheet describing the history of the Bella Coola camp.

British Columbia Packers

Brunswick Cannery Company fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1079
  • Fonds
  • 1896-1928

The fonds consists of the records of the Brunswick Cannery located at Canoe Pass (1900-1928). It consists of financial records, most notably invoices and receipts from various merchants in the area of the cannery. These records provide some information about the goods and services required by the early canneries and also indicate the costs of such items. The fonds also includes some material from the Anglo-American Cannery Company (1896-1913).

Brunswick Cannery Company (Canoe Pass, B.C.)

Canadian Fishing Company fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1098
  • Fonds
  • 1888-1980

The fonds consists of plant insurance appraisals for canneries owned by the Canadian Fishing Company, including: Todd and Sons Company, Banfield Packing Company, Doty Fishing Company, New England Fish Company, Nootka Packing Company and Johnson Fishing and Packing Company. The fonds also contains maps and architectural/engineering plans from the Gulf of Georgia Cannery in Steveston B.C., which was owned by the Canadian Fishing Company. Fonds also contains administrative files from the Canadian Fishing Company's other numerous facilities.

Canadian Fishing Company

Charles H. Tupper fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1562
  • Fonds
  • 1870-1926

The fonds consists of correspondence (1876-1926), subject files (1889-1925) and scrapbooks (1870-1923). The fonds reflects Tupper's interest in politics and public affairs.

Tupper, Charles Hibbert, Sir

Chock On fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1124
  • Fonds
  • 1912-1983

The fonds consists of the incoming correspondence of Wo Shou, Wo Sai Jik, and other members of the Wo Surname Association, mainly regarding cannery labour-related business and fundraising activities. It also consists of records and printed material relating to native place issues in Canton, China; the Wo Surname Association in Canton and in B.C.; Chock On business and other activities; and the local Chinese community.

Chock On

David Narver fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1863
  • Fonds
  • 1959-2011

The fonds consists of records relating to the education, research, career, and post-retirement activities of David Narver. The fonds is organized into three series: Postdoctoral Education; Career; and Personal. The Postdoctoral Education series includes records related to Narver’s PhD research while enrolled at the University of Washington. Narver worked as a researcher at the Canadian Fisheries Research Board Biological Station in Nanaimo, BC, and in Chignik, Alaska, working on salmon research projects. The Career series covers records related to Narver’s three-decade career. Narver worked for the BC Ministry of Environment, Fisheries Branch and Fish and Wildlife Branch, as Anadromous Fisheries Coordinator, Acting Chief of Fisheries Management, and Director of the Fisheries Branch. Records in the Career series include speeches and presentations, official correspondence, policy and administrative records (including meeting minutes), and research reports. The Personal series includes records related to Narver’s undergraduate or graduate post-secondary education, speeches and presentations given after his retirement, and a manuscript of his account of his time in Alaska. Narver remained active in fish, fishing, and fish habitat work after his retirement, working with the BC Wildlife Federation among other organizations.

Narver, David

Donovan Miller fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1377
  • Fonds
  • 1894-1978

The fonds consists of documents, log books, stock certificates, record books, newspaper articles, pamphlets, canned fish labels, and photographs from Canadian Fishing Company Limited, Gulf of Georgia Canning Company Limited, Manitou Cannery, and the New England Fish Company Limited. In addition, there are subject files, reports and briefs relating to Donovan Miller's activities in the fishing industry.

Miller, Donovan, 1917-

Duncan Stacey fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1522
  • Fonds
  • [1891 - 2012]

Fonds consists of documents related to Stacey's career as a fisherman, historian, writer, researcher, curator, and consultant. Materials include correspondence, photographs, recorded interviews, reports, handwritten notes, clippings, research materials, prints, postcards, ephemera and other documents.

The "Gulf of Georgia files" series was arranged by the records creator and has been respected. All other series have been imposed by the archivist and arranged according to materials that relate to Stacey's roles as expert witness in various trials, historical and industrial researcher, collector and curator, and commercial fisherman, respectively. Where correspondence and photographs were stored separately by the records creator, they have been retained together in series according to their document type; otherwise, file integrity has been respected and these materials may be found in other series as well.

A significant amount of material, consisting primarily of copies of photographs obtained by Stacey from various archival institutions, has been removed.

Stacey, Duncan

Fisheries Association of British Columbia fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1193
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1998

The fonds consists of records generated by the FCBC and its predecessor bodies, the FABC and the SCOC. Records of the SCOC include minutes and some records pertaining to its bargaining agent, regulatory, and fishing development and protection activities. Records of the FABC include minutes, correspondence, financial and other administrative records, as well as material pertaining to its various functions. This includes records pertaining to its public relations activities, and its roles as an industry bargaining agency, as an industry representative on international treaties and fisheries commissions, and as a liaison and lobby group with the federal, provincial and municipal governments on issues such as resource protection and government safety and health regulations. FCBC records relate to its pursuance of matters related to the West Coast fishing industry, including records concerning its participation in various federal and provincial meetings, issues related to the native fishery, and minutes of various committees through which the FCBC conducted its affairs. Record types include minutes, financial records, negotiations and agreements, speeches and subject files generated by the Fisheries Association. The subject files include information on the activities of the Association including labour, safety, pollution, resources, waste water and licence limitations. The material was primarily generated during the period 1955 to 1975, except for minutes of the Salmon Canners' Operating Committee (1943-1948), agreements (1946-1956) and one subject file on the Native Brotherhood of B.C. (1947-1958).

Fisheries Association of British Columbia

Fisherman Publishing Society fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1194
  • Fonds
  • 1900-1983

The fonds consists of correspondence, a scrapbook, minutes, historical collections including ships' logs and the Harry Allison papers. Fonds includes photographs of the Fisherman Publishing Society, depicting labour and union activity, fish and fishing vessels, and the men and women who worked in the fishing industry.

Fisherman Publishing Society

Fishing Vessel Owners Association fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1195
  • Fonds
  • 1935 - 1998

This fonds consists of 12 series; meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, welfare funds, videos, regulations and legislation, related organizations, general business records, land referrals, herring (roe), financial, First Nations, and salmon. Each of the series relates to the F.V.O.A.'s work with fishing and water concerns. The same issues defined within each of these series are also documented through the newspaper clippings. The minutes span over 40 years, beginning in 1938, and include general, committee, director's and membership meetings. The fonds also includes copies of legislation and regulations relating to various fishing and water related concerns, such as ports and harbours, maritime codes, vessel construction, shipping, and research. The F.V.O.A.'s ongoing cooperative work with relevant outside groups is documented through numerous drafts, proposals, agreements, reports, and correspondence. The videos are of the Skeena River Steelhead, Salmon, the Sportfish Observer Program and First Nations fishing rights. There is a large amount of land referral material (the application for use of Crown land) including several maps. With reference directly to fish; there is information on herring (roe) related issues, and a significant amount of documents covering Salmon. A vast portion of the Salmon series deals with Canadian-U.S. negotiations regarding poaching, water boundaries, salmon shares, runs and catches. The fonds provides overall insight into the workings of the F.V.O.A.

Fishing Vessel Owners Association

Francis Millerd fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1379
  • Fonds
  • 1893, 1921-2000

The fonds primarily consists of records from the Francis Millerd and Company Limited (Francis Millerd & Co. Ltd.) business. These records mostly relate to the company and its relationship with its fishermen. The two primary functions of Francis Millerd & Co. Ltd. were the processing of fish and the contracting of fishermen to supply these fish. The fish processed were mainly varieties of salmon, as well as herring, clams, bloaters, sardines, dog fish, kippers, and silvets. Processing mainly took the form of canning, but smoking, curing, and freezing was also used. Some fishermen merely sold their fish to the company while others used company gear or vessels, often on mortgage plans or promisary notes. Others worked for hourly wages. The company possessed at least one cannery, the Great Northern Cannery, which Millerd had purchased in 1923. Until the late 1930s, the company made its own cans from sheets of tin. There were one hundred employees at the time of its sale in 1968. A packer vessel named Great Northern 8 was associated with this cannery, most likely preceded by similarly named vessels.

Other records in this fonds include materials which reflect on Millerd's activities and interests within the Canadian fishing and canning industries.

The fonds consists of five series titled: Early fishing company ventures; Francis Millerd and Company Limited papers; Francis Millerd Papers; Francis Millerd journals and day planners; and Publications produced by and for other agencies. The majority of the records within this fonds contain day to day administrative and financial records of Francis Millerd & Co. Ltd., including ledgers, mortgages, purchasing transactions, other contracts and agreements, log books, documents concerning company property and promisary notes. Other documents include vessel licenses, bills of sale, letters, rough notes, receipts, blueprints, and property appraisals.

Other records in the fonds include photographs, journals, day planners, research papers, yearbooks, and government-produced acts, regulations, news releases and reports.

Francis Millerd

Geoff Meggs fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1371
  • Fonds
  • 1985-1990

The fonds consists of a draft of "Salmon: The Decline of the British Columbia Fishery", which includes footnotes that were deleted in the final version; sound cassettes and transcripts of interviews with prominent persons in the fishing industry and computer disks including various drafts of the book.

Meggs, Geoff, 1951-

George North fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1408
  • Fonds
  • 1910 - 1975

Consists of George North's research material on the fishing industry in British Columbia, and on the organization of the fishermen's labour unions. The research material includes letters inward and outward concerning his commission by the UFAWU ; his early manuscript, later typescripts, and edited typescripts for the book A Ripple, A Wave; original and photocopied records of Inverness Cannery ; extensive notes taken on the above records and local newspapers . Other material relates to his teacher training at the University of British Columbia. There is also a collection of published material .

North, George

Harbour Publishing Company fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1232
  • Fonds
  • 1970-2009

The fonds consists primarily of manuscripts and proposals (published and unpublished) submitted to the Harbour, as well as correspondence, financial records, subject files, and sales, marketing, and promotional files for the company as well as specific authors and publications.

Harbour Publishing Company

Hastings Brass Foundry fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1237
  • Fonds
  • 1943-1959

The fonds consists of blueprints of fishing rigs and gurdies.

Hastings Brass Foundry

Henry Bell-Irving fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1030
  • Fonds
  • 1882-1930

The fonds consists of photocopies of outgoing letters (1882-1885) and letter press copybook (1888). Also microfilm copies of diaries, deed books and address books (1887-1930).

Bell-Irving, Henry Ogle

Henry Doyle fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1171
  • Fonds
  • [17-- - before 1960]

The fonds consists of records pertaining to the Pacific fishery industry. It includes Doyle's manuscript of Rise and Decline of the Pacific Salmon Fisheries, correspondence, thirty volumes of notebooks, legal documents, notes, reports, speeches, and clippings. The fonds also includes numerous photographs, statistics on B.C. companies and canneries, printed material, a scrapbook, maps and information about the B.C. Canners' Association, B.C. Packers' Association, the Select Standing Committee on Marine and Fisheries, and the Parliamentary Fisheries Committee.

Doyle, Henry

Homer Stevens fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1534
  • Fonds
  • 1939-2001, predominant 1960-1979

The fonds consists of textual materials, photographs, slides, negatives, sound recordings and memorabilia created and collected during Homer Stevens career with the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union (UFAWU), as well as in his personal life. The fonds has been arranged into six series according to subject matter: Personal, UFAWU, Mt. Thurston Prison Camp, Printed Materials, Ephemera and Memorabilia, and Newspaper Clippings.

Stevens, Homer

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Lodge 692 fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1277
  • Fonds
  • 1919-1980

The fonds consists of regular minutes (1919-1970), conciliation reports from various unions (1943-1974), correspondence (1953-1975) and office files from Southern Interior shops (1957-1980). The fonds also includes IAM Grand Lodge correspondence (1953-1973, incomplete), receipts (1919-1961) and records for Lodges 131 (1943-1961), 109 (1949- 1966) and 867 (1951-1964). Major correspondents include companies such as the Schlage Lock Company, Brunette Machine Works, and Bitco Sales and Service as well as the Metal Industries Association. The fonds also includes agreements, negotiations, and correspondence with many companies whose major customers are part of the mining, forestry and fishing sectors of the British Columbia economy.

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Lodge 692

International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission collection

  • RBSC-ARC-1280
  • Fonds
  • 1900-1945

The collection consists of minutes of the Fraser River Canners' Association (1900-1909) and the British Columbia Canners' Association (1909-1923) and records from their members' canneries: Acme, Albion, Atlas, Colonial, Celtic, Dinsmore, Great West, Imperial, Pacific Coast, Terra Nova, and Vancouver. The collection also includes 25 scrapbooks of clippings (1900-1923) and photograph albums.

Inverness Cannery fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1284
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1900 - 1967]

The fonds consists of records related to the operation of Inverness Cannery. Records span from the early 1900s all the way through to the 1950s when the cannery was closed and turned into a fish camp. The cannery was owned by J.H. Todd and Sons Ltd. from 1902-1950. The fonds is comprised of seven different series: Correspondence series, Financial series, Fish Canning series, Fish Catching series, Inverness Cannery School series, Legal series, and Publications, Pamphlets and News Clippings series.

Inverness Cannery

Japanese Canadian research collection

  • RBSC-ARC-1288
  • Fonds

The collection consists of approximately fifty small collections or fonds donated by individuals and organizations. It includes material (including photographs) from the following individuals or organizations: Yoshimitsu Akagawa, Rintaro Hayashi, Japanese Fishermen's Benevolent Association, Kishizo Kimura, Masajiro Miyazaki, Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association, Hideichi Nosaka, Yoshio Ono, Yukio Shimoda, Rinkichi Tagashira, Shingeichi Uchibori, Chiyo Umezuki, Tokikazu Tanaka, Yasutaro Yamaga, Tameo Kanabara, Richmond Berry Growers Association, Shogo Kobayashi, Skeena Fishermen's Association, Jisaburo Wakabayashi, J. Uno, Camp and Mill Workers Federal Labour Union, and Mitsuru Shimpo. The collection encompasses a wide range of topics including relocation to internment camps during World War II, farming, lumbering, religious activities, and personal reminiscences, as well as various organizational records. Individual collections have been arranged and described separately and filed in alphabetical order. Most of the manuscript material has been photocopied from original documents.

J.H. Todd and Sons fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1285
  • Fonds
  • 1910-1954

The fonds consists of correspondence (1916-1952) and legal records (1910- 1952) pertaining to the fishing operations of J.H. Todd and Sons, Ltd. These include records of subsidiary companies: Klemtu Cannery Ltd. (1927- 1938), Provincial Cannery Company Ltd. (1917-1939), Sooke Harbour Fishing and Packing Company (1937-1953), and Western Fishing Company (1945-1950), relating to their fishing operations. There are also pilot diaries, payroll sheets, ledgers, plans and blueprints.

J.H. Todd and Sons

John Stanton fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1524
  • Fonds
  • 1936-1985

The fonds consists of materials pertaining to Stanton's career as a lawyer representing a broad spectrum of industrial unions such as the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (Canada), International Woodworkers of America and the Marine Workers and Boilermakers Industrial Union as well as individual cases relating to the workplace. There are also articles relating to the foundation and activities of various unions, the ILWU in particular, as well as copies of union constitutions and by-laws. There are case records of the ILWU vs. Nissho and Pacific Coast Hydrocarbons, and correspondence pertaining to Harold Pritchett, in particular dealing with his entry into the United States and documents relating to the "Greenhill Park" disaster of 1945. There are also files created by Stanton in representing his clients that formed the basis for his published autobiography "Never Say Die".

Stanton, John

Ken MacLeod fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1865
  • Fonds
  • [between 1970 and 1975?]-2018

Fonds documents MacLeod’s research on and interviews with early 20th-century B.C. fishermen. It includes audio cassettes, video cassettes, transcript excerpts, notes, articles, and reports.

Audio and video cassettes record interviews with early 20th-century B.C. fishermen. Most interviews were conducted by Ken MacLeod from the mid-1970s to early 2000s, although several are copies from the Campbell River Museum & Archives and the British Columbia Provincial Archives. Interviews are primarily with early commercial salmon fishermen and commercial rodmen, their relatives, and salmon conservation scientists. Interviews address fishing methods (i.e., gillnetting and seine nets), boat types, natural disasters, poaching, salmon management and conservation, and interviewees’ assorted personal anecdotes. Although mainly focused on salmon fishing, interviews also address sports fishing, other types of fish (e.g., cod), seals, and sea lions. Additionally, several audio cassettes are radio show segments related to fish farms recorded by MacLeod between 2001 and 2003. Textual records include partial transcripts of interviews conducted by MacLeod, as well as published articles and reports that MacLeod notes are related to fishermen he interviewed.

MacLeod, Ken

Letson and Burpee Limited fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1328
  • Fonds
  • 1893, 1915-1921, 1955

The fonds consists of material relating to the business activities of Letson & Burpee, Ltd., machinery manufacturers and founders. It includes blueprint plans of machinery used in the cannery industry, ten printed catalogues, correspondence (1893), and photographs and clippings pertaining to the machinery industry including detailed descriptions of fish canning machinery.

Letson and Burpee Ltd.

Murray-Latta Machine Company Ltd. fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1390
  • Fonds
  • 1904-1928

The fonds consists of blueprints, line drawings and sketches and includes a sketch of the "iron chink" dated 1904.

Murray-Latta Machine Company

Port Albion Cannery fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1442
  • Fonds
  • 1917-1949

The fonds consists of partial records of the Port Albion Cannery’s parent companies. In rough chronological order, these are: the Langara Fishing and Packing Company, Ltd.; Nootka Packing Company, Ltd.; Banfield Packing Company, Ltd.; Nootka-Banfield Packing Company, Ltd.; and the Canadian Fishing Company. Records include: invoices, inventories, correspondence, agreements/contracts, licenses, payroll ledgers, government statistics records and copies of legislation (particularly changes made during WWII to staffing and supply chains), and various reports (predominantly production reports). Correspondence is primarily between branches and “head office” and between the various companies and their suppliers, contractors, and government offices mostly concerned with licensing and equipment inspections. Head office appears to refer both to the offices of the Nootka-Banfield Packing Company, Ltd., and later the Canadian Fishing Company, which purchased Nootka-Banfield in 1945, though the Canadian Fishing Company letterhead appears in the records much earlier than 1945. A set of blueprints for bunkhouses is also included in the fonds, though there are no dates or location information appended; as the bulk of the fonds (physically and chronologically) is the Nootka-Banfield records, the blueprints are filed as part of that series.

Port Albion Cannery

Reliance Motor and Machine Works fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1464
  • Fonds
  • 1924-1963

The fonds consists of company minutes (1924-1963), repair orders (1927-1959), annual reports, working plans and drawings for various pieces of machinery and machine parts.

Reliance Motor and Machine Works

Rolf Knight fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1306
  • Fonds
  • 1961-2019

The fonds consists of manuscripts, research files, and printed material relating to Knight's activities as a student and university professor in the field of anthropology, as well as his writing as a Canadian historian. Included are: correspondence with and applications to publishers and universities; a typescript copy of Knight’s memoirs and manuscript copies of "A Very Ordinary Life" (1974), "Indians at Work" (1978), “Along the No. 20 Line” (1980), “Homer Stevens” (1992), Not a Philosophical Atheism” (2012), and "Nativism and Americanism" (2013), among Knight’s other publications; research data and bibliographies gathered as part of Knight’s research and writing; book reviews of Knight’s works, as well as Knight’s reviews of others’ publications; transcripts and sound recordings of Knight’s interviews with Bob Chestnut, Harvey Murphy, and John Smith; and photographs used in Knight’s “Along the No. 20 Line” (1980).

Knight, Rolf

Salmon Can Label Collection

  • RBSC-ARC-1480
  • Collection
  • ca 1950s

Brand names represented are:
• Parity Brand Cohoe Salmon, Shafer-Haggart Ltd, Vancouver
• “My Choice” Red Cohoe Salmon, Shafer-Haggart Ltd, Vancouver
• Diamond Brand Salmon, Powell & Russell Ltd, Vancouver
• Red Pack Cohoe Salmon, Shafer-Haggart Ltd, Vancouver
• Victory Brand Salmon, Walter D. Firth Ltd, Vancouver
• Summit Brand Fancy Pink Salmon, Anderson & Miskin Ltd, Vancouver
• Paddler Brand Salmon, Allied Export Co. Ltd, Vancouver

Tallheo Cannery fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1546
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1942

The fonds consists of records pertaining to the administration of the cannery. It includes financial statements, correspondence, invoices, registers, vouchers and facilities reports. Several files contain items created by the Wales Island Cannery but incorporated into the fonds.

Tallheo Cannery

Tatsuo Kurihara fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1313
  • Fonds
  • 1985-1986

The fonds consists of Kurihara's photographs of Japanese-Canadian fishermen, their families, and daily life in the fishing community of Steveston, B.C.

Kurihara, Tatsuo

Thomas Ladner fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1317
  • Fonds
  • 1892-1896

The fonds consists of a letter book (outgoing) pertaining to Ladner's activities as a manager of the Wellington Packing Company at Canoe Pass near Ladner on the Fraser River (1892-1896).

Ladner, Thomas Ellis

United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1569
  • Fonds
  • 1934-1979

The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, reports, legal documents, financial records, plans, sound recordings, published and printed material generated by the UFAWU, its locals and predecessor organizations including the United Fishermen's Federal Union, the Pacific Coast Fishermen's Union, and the Fish, Cannery and Reduction Plant and Allied Workers Union, as well as office files from former Presidents William Rigby, Homer Stevens, and Jack Nichols.

United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union

Uno Langmann Family Collection of B.C. Photographs

  • RBSC-ARC-1804
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1850-1950]

The Uno Langmann Family Collection of B.C. Photographs, donated by Uno and Dianne Langmann and Uno Langmann Limited, consists of more than 20,000 rare and unique early photographs from the 1850s to the 1970s. It is considered the premiere private collection of early provincial photos, and an important illustrated history of early photographic methods. The photographs were taken by a wide range of photographers. Some well-known photographers represented in the collection include William Notman, Charles MacMunn, Frederick Dally, Charles Horetzky, Charles Gentile, Philip Timms, Yucho Chow, R. Maynard, and Leonard Frank.

This finding aid will provide access to the collection in the interim period while UBC Library digitizes the collection. For updates on the collection and its digitization, please visit

Langmann, Uno

Vancouver Fishermen's Settlement Service fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1793
  • Fonds
  • 1943 - 1974

Contains the operational records of the Vancouver Fishermen's Settlement Services from 1943 to 1974. Records include annual and monthly financial summaries, meeting minutes, manager's reports, insurance agreements, and correspondence.

Vancouver Fishermen's Settlement Service

W.R. Menchions fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1372
  • Fonds
  • 1914-1935

The fonds consists of plans of fishing vessels built by W.R. Menchions for various companies and individuals including a seine patrol and towboat (1914-1915), cannery tender (1924-1926), seine boat (1925), and specifications and contracts for gasoline boats, seine boats and fishing boats (1914-1935). The fonds also includes one photograph of the vessel Frieda of the Kakiak Fishing Co.

Menchions, W.R.