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University of British Columbia Library Rare Books and Special Collections Series
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Test Series 1

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem reru[d]um facilis est e[r]t expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellend[a]us. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

Research data and bibliographies

Series consists of research data, statistics, and bibliographies gathered by Knight for his thesis and other published works and articles . Research data includes notes, proposals, outlines, glossaries of terms, and reviews concerning various topics, including native peoples of Canada and the Cauca Valley, Columbia.

Interview transcripts and sound recordings

Series consists of transcripts and sound recordings of interviews conducted by Rolf Knight. Includes transcripts of interviews with Harvey Murphy and John Smith, and transcripts and sound recordings of interviews with Bob Chestnut.


  • Series
  • [between 1985? and 1987]-[between 2006 and 2009?]
  • 一部分Or Gallery fonds

Series documents the Or Gallery’s administration and operation, including its planning for various fundraising events. the Or Gallery’s Records include minutes, policies and procedures, correspondence, and other material documenting the administration of the Or Gallery as an organization and operations as a physical space.

Vancouver Anthology

Series documents the editing, design, and publication of Vancouver Anthology, an anthology of essays published by the Or Gallery. The collected essays by Stan Douglas, Keith Wallace, Sara Diamond, Nancy Shaw, Maria Insell, William Wood, Carol Williams, Robin Peck, Robert Linsley, Scott Watson, and Marcia Crosby were first presented in Fall 1990 as part of a lecture series entitled Vancouver Anthology: Lectures on Art in British Columbia, in which the authors presented their research in a forum to the local arts community before their papers were sent to print. The papers documented a range of Vancouver cultural practices, including the emergence of artist-run centres, experimental performance and video, feminist activity, collaboration, sculpture, painting, art criticism, and conceptual art and landscape, as well as critical reflections on perceptions of Indigenous peoples’ cultures. Vancouver Anthology was first published in 1991 and re-published in its second edition in 2009.

Records consist of proofs, mock-ups, photographic materials, correspondence, and other material relating to the production of Vancouver Anthology’s first and second editions.

Administrative records

The series consists of records relating to the Scandinavian Cultural Society’s administrative functions. Records include the constitution of the society, correspondence, agendas and minutes from executive meetings, and financial reports.


Series consists of newsletters and other published material by the Scandinavian Cultural Society for purposes of reference and dissemination. Series also includes a run of the Swedish Press Magazine from 1986, which was used as reference material for the publicity for the Scandinavian Festival 1986.

Administrative records

The series consists of records relating to the Icelandic Archives of British Columbia’s (IABC) administration, mainly records related to its day to day business operation. Records include correspondence; financial records; and policies and procedures kept by the archives.

Events and activities

Series consists of records relating to the events organized by the Icelandic Archives of British Columbia (IABC), and Icelandic events attended by the IABC. Records include event planning material and promotions; posters, programmes, and brochures; correspondence and invitations; event ephemera and newspaper clippings; artifacts; and guest books of visitors to IABC events.

Original collections series

Series consists of the original collections acquired and preserved by the Icelandic Archives of British Columbia (IABC) during its existence.

Series consists of thirteen subseries, which correspond to the creators of the records or the research initiatives surrounding the creation of the records: the Emil Bjarnason collection, Ester Bridge collection, Magnus Eliason collection, Frances Hanson collection, Dora Hatton collection, Keith Hoff collection, Helga Howardson collection, Guðrun Johnson collection, and Lillian Sumarlidason collection, as well as the Point Roberts collection, and the New Iceland Research collection.

Luminous Sites

Luminous Sites was a large exhibition of Canadian video installations focusing on social forms of representation, curated by Daina Augaitis of the Western Front Gallery and Karen Henry of Video Inn. Works by ten artists were installed at galleries and public sites throughout the city. The exhibition was accompanied by Luminous Performance, curated by Glenn Lewis.

Media Arts and Video Art Program

This series contains the records of the Media Arts and Video Art Program, including records from when the Media Arts Program was called the Video Program. Contents include administrative, funding, and grant application records (including operating grants), equipment purchasing records, artist files, project and organization files, and press clippings and promotional materials. The Western Front collaborated with many like-minded video organizations, particularly in the 1970s and 1980s, and catalogues of Western Front Video Program and later Media Arts and Video Art Program holdings are included. Project files include, but are not limited to, Telecommunications Art projects from 1982-1991, The World in 24 Hours (1982), Text, Bombs and Video Tape (1991), and Infermental VI, VII, and VIII. Also in this series are records pertaining to the Media Arts and Video Art Program’s relationship with Vancouver Community Television Association.


Series documents the Anti-Apartheid Network’s (AAN) anti-apartheid activities and campaigns from 1985 to 1990. Particularly represented in the series are: the Shell boycott, which included pickets at Shell stations and a successful proposal for the Vancouver City Council to boycott the City buying Shell products for its vehicles; and AAN’s purchase of a billboard at the intersection of Broadway and Cambie for Nelson Mandela’s 70th birthday, as well as a birthday party that shut down the streets with its several hundred attendees. Other actions undertaken by AAN are also represented, including boycotts, protests, letter-writing campaigns, speaker events, and workshops.

Series consists of newspaper clippings, memoranda, flyers and leaflets, notes, posters, pins, photographs, reports, and other material created as part of organizing AAN activities and evaluating the public response.


Series documents the organizational structuring of and meetings held by AAN. Meetings were held monthly and were open to the public. At these meetings, members generally provided updates on ongoing campaign and protest actions, planned future activities, evaluated previous events, suggested targets for action, reviewed finances and grant applications, and addressed any other business relevant to AAN’s activities.

Series consists of meeting minutes, memoranda, notes, by-laws, and other material arising from AAN’s monthly and annual meetings.

White Pass & Yukon Route Files

This series consists of materials related to Brown's position in the White Pass & Yukon Corporation, with a significant portion concerning the building and launch of the M/V "Frank H. Brown," the M/V "Klondike," and the M/V "Clifford J. Rogers." Other notable inclusions are nearly then entire run of the White Pass Contact (employee newsletter) through 1975, nearly the entire White Pass Container Route News through 1975, and the run of White Pass Annual Reports through 1975.

National Revenue (Taxation) - Personal corrrespondence and other papers

This series consists of materials related to Brown's ten months as Deputy Minister for National Revenue for Taxation. All official records related to his position remain with the government of Canada, so the papers here are personal in nature, including invitations to events, letters upon his appointment and resignation, and large prints of two comics based on his time in office.

Printed materials

Series is divided into two sub-series: Magazines featuring Lansdowne’s artwork and Newspaper and magazine clippings. Records include copies of magazines in which Lansdowne’s artwork is featured, along with newspaper and magazine clippings featuring articles about Lansdowne’s life and career. Also included are a small number of photographs.

Malcolm Lowry Photographs

Series includes photographs of Lowry and Margerie at Dollarton, Bowen Island, Sicily, Mexico, Haiti, and England among other places. Friends and family, including Earle Birney, Priscilla Woolfan, and the Burts, also appear. Series also includes picture postcards, predominantly from Mexico and France, and tickets for museum exhibits and cultural heritage sites in Mexico. Some photographs have Margerie or Lowry’s handwriting on the reverse; where titles of photographs are expository, the title is a direct transcription of Margerie’s notes on the reverse of that photograph. 732 of the photographs are taken from three photograph albums; see file-level entries for descriptions of album contents. Also included are pages of scanned copies of the contents of the three photo albums mentioned in the Photographs sous-fonds level arrangement note.

Registration and identification certificates

Series consists of Chinese Immigration (C.I.) registration and identification certificates related to implementing Canada’s Chinese Immigration Act that was law from 1885 to 1947, with amendments made in 1887, 1892, 1900, 1903, and 1923. Certificates were first issued to register and identify Chinese persons entering Canada. This function was expanded with the 1923 amendment requiring registration and identification of all Chinese persons residing in the country, immigrant and Canadian-born.

The series includes the most common C.I. certificates issued before the 1923 Chinese Immigration Act banned practically all further Chinese entry, therefore commonly known as the Chinese Exclusion Act:
-The C.I.5 certificate issued in relation to the head tax payment required for Chinese entry to Canada, commonly known as the head tax certificate. Early versions of the certificate in use before 1912 are present.
-C.I.36 certificate issued in exchange for a C.I.5 certificate issued before 1912 that had no photograph.
-C.I.30 certificate issued to a Chinese person entering Canada belonging to a class with exemption from paying the head tax.
-C.I.28 certificate issued to replace a lost or destroyed C.I.5 or C.I.30 certificate.

The series includes a large number of C.I.45 certificates created in 1923 and 1924. The certificate was used to implement Section 18 of the 1923 Chinese Immigration Act that required the registration of all Chinese residing in Canada within twelve months. It was issued as proof of registration of a Canadian-born Chinese who did not possess an entry certificate for the registration stamp.

Also included in the series are samples of lesser-known C.I. certificates and records, including the C.I.4, C.I.10, C.I.18 and C.I.18a, C.I.46, and C.I.50.

The series includes a small number of N.F.63 certificates related to Chinese entry to the Dominion of Newfoundland. Newfoundland’s Act Respecting the Immigration of Chinese Persons (commonly known as the Newfoundland Chinese Immigration Act) was in force from 1906 until Newfoundland and Laborador joined Confederation in 1949.

A small number of certificates relates to birth in Canada, travel documentation, registration as overseas Chinese with the Chinese government, and Canadian citizenship received following the repeal of the Chinese Immigration Act in 1947.

Letters, Incoming

Series consists of twenty years of incoming correspondence organized alphabetically by sender surname and, by sender, chronologically. Contents include: postcards, photographs, and handwritten and typewritten letters (originals, negatives, and copies). When included in the accession, envelopes are retained with the letters with which they came. The bulk of Lowry's incoming correspondence was composed between 1940 and 1954 while the Lowrys resided primarily in Dollarton.

Lowry corresponded with a wide range of family (his own and Margerie's), friends from across the Americas and western Europe, and professional contacts in the literary world. Albert Erskine, David Markson, Downie Kirk, and Harold Matson, for example, all kept up regular correspondence with Lowry for many years. Several files include only short correspondences pertaining to specific activities, generally publication of one of Lowry's poems or short stories, or the translating of his works into another language.

Personal Life

Series consists of miscellaneous records pertaining to the personal life of Malcolm Lowry. Contents include: financial records, art prints hung on the walls of the Dollarton shacks, Lowry’s notes on source character “Fernando” (Juan Fernando Marquez) and the city of Oaxaca, Mexico, and materials gathered by UBC, including copies of Lowry’s birth and death certificates, and newspaper announcements about the death of Arthur Lowry, Malcolm Lowry’s father, and the sale of the house where Lowry wrote the first draft of Under the Volcano.

Political activism

The series includes records and ephemera related to the Canadian Citizenship Council, of which Foon Sien was a member.

Further, the series includes records of Foon Sien using media platforms to better inform Canadians about wartime developments between China and Empire of Japan.

Personal records

Includes records and ephemera related to the personal life of Foon Sien Wong. Items include letters, event invitations, and twenty years worth of day calendar entries.

Heavenly Monkey publishing records

Series contains copies of books and ephemera issued by A Lone Press (1998-1999) and Heavenly Monkey (1999- 2010) and includes setting copies, detailed page layout schematics, dummy of final book, final printing schedule and sequence, proofs and impressions, make-ready copies, printing plates, printing blocks, photographs and various other documents used in the creation of each item.

Interview recordings

Series contains a total of 18 cassette tapes recorded by Irene Howard. Some were conducted in the course of research on the life of Ethel Wilson. These include interviews and/or discussions with Lila Malkin, Lucile Parsons, D’Uyly Rochfort and Mrs. George Thompson. The other interviews related to the history of Vancouver’s West End with Mr. G.E. Eldridge, Mrs. A.D. Bell-Irving, Elspeth Cherniavsky and Henry Randolph Clyne. The other interviews include Clyde Turner on Woodward’s Department Store and Bill Beacon of Berryland Farms. There is one interview that contains material for broadcast, called Mom’s Repairs.

Research related photographs and maps

Series contains various black and white photographs related to Swedish culture and Swedes in B.C (some labelled and dated). Images include: reproductions of historical photos from the B.C. Provincial Archives and the Vancouver Public Library; hand drawn maps of Sweden on illustration boards and two oversized photographs of railroad workers (unidentified).

Records related to literary activities

Series includes materials related to Howard’s book <i>Vancouver Svenskar: A History of the Swedish Community in Vancouver</i> and research on Swedes in Canada and in B.C., to Irene Howard’s activities as editor and literary agent for Ronald Liversedge and his unpublished memoir <i>Memoirs of the Spanish Civil War,</i> to her involvement in the Writer’s Union of Canada. The material included in the series also pertains to Howard’s research and articles on the Branvolds of Diamond Head, Helen Gutteridge, Ethel Wilson and on “high society” in Vancouver’s West End at the turn of the century with transcripts of taped interviews with Joseph Malkin, Lila Molson, Elspeth Cherniavsky, Mrs. A. W. Bell-Irving, H.R. Clyne and Gardner S. Eldridge. There is also correspondence from Arne Johnson regarding lumber unions, a Swedish pamphlet on the Industrial Workers of the World, and two black and white publicity photos of Irene Howard in this series.

NDP campaign materials

Series contains newspaper clippings, election material and press releases created during various election and leadership campaigns in the mid 1990’s, including Jim Green for MLA in 1996 and Bill Siksay for MP in 1996-1997.


Series contains records relating to the reorganization and governance of the Council of Forest Industries. Material consists of organization’s mission and mandate, strategic plan, goals and activities, organizational plans, descriptions about COFI positions and departments, questions about the future direction of the organization, staff development seminar documents, documents concerning issues faced by COFI during the 1990s, and the documents regarding the reorganization of the organization. Materials also include COFI’s reorganization of its Shingle and Shake division.

Legal documents.

Series contains records relating to legal proceedings and questions relating to the Council of Forest Industries. Material consists of judgements from the Supreme Court of British Columbia and a detailed description of reasons for the judgements and mini trail reports concerning trials of lumber related companies and an inquiry report regarding scaling at Shoal Island Log sort.


Series contains newsletters relating to the Council of Forest Industries Shingle and Shake Division. Material consists of newsletters that are concerned with education and training information, committee updates and reports, residential housing construction figures, notes on publicity, and average prices of different wood related constructions in the Vancouver and Victoria area.

News releases.

Series contains news release relating to the Council of Forest Industries Shingle and Shake Division. Material consists of a news release aimed at the European forest industry, more specifically to the United Kingdom and news releases from the Canadian Forest Industries Council regarding the International Trade Administration and their ruling on Canadian lumber products, a communiqué regarding the Wood Products Export Agreement extension, a news release advertising the name change of the Northern B.C. Lumber Association to the Northern Forest Products Association (NFPA) as a result of COFI’s reorganization, a media release concerning an announcement being made regarding B.C. forestry and tourism sector.


Series contains photographs and slides relating to the Council of Forest Industries. Photographs depict uses of shingle and shakes and various members of COFI, past presidents and members of forest and lumber associations in British Columbia.
The series is subdivided into two sub-series: Shingle and Shake Examples and Council of Forest Industries Members and Presidents.


Series contains statistics relating to the Council of Forest Industries activities. Material consists of statistics regard the shingle and shake and lumber exports from Canada to the United States, statistics of Certigrade Shingles and Certi-Split Shake production by grade and type, Red band Shingle Conversion Table, figures on the
shipment of shingle and shakes to external markets, shingle and shake export figures, and shingle and shake exports by country.

Advertisements and literature.

Series consists of clipped advertisements for red cedar shingles and shakes, as well as pamphlets and other literature distributed by the Bureau. Most of the files of advertisements were either sent from Seattle to Vancouver and compiled into files in Vancouver, or compiled by the Vancouver office, as indicated by the file titles. Series also contains a file of photographs showing various uses of red cedar shingles on homes and other structures.

Financial records.

This series consists of financial records for the businesses that George Gee represented as a Business Agent for the Union. This series consists of bank and taxation receipts, court documents, Northern Gem Mining Corporation shareholder documents, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers notices and shareholder documents, G. & B. Heating Ltd. documents and financial statements, electrical contractor certificate documents, letters, forms, property assessment and sales agreement, Workmen's Compensation Boards claim documents, and British Columbia Electric Co. pension documents.

Acme plumbing and heating services and I.B.E.W. union records.

This series consists of the collected records pertaining to George Gee’s activities acting in the capacity of union business agent for Acme Plumbing and Heating Service and The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in the United States and Canada. The series contains correspondence, employer lists, reports, clippings and leaflets, contract amendments, union bulletins and other related documents. Correspondents and subjects include: Department of Labour, The Canadian Labour congress, correspondence with RCA, Rankin, Dean & Simons: Barrister, Solicitors, and Notaries Public, and Maxwell Construction Ltd.


This series consists of photographs of the interior and exterior of the Press Club in British Columbia, and photographs, negatives and a contact sheet of railway construction.


Series contains of records related to different projects undertaken by the British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers Association. Materials consist of correspondence requesting films about the forestry and lumber industry, a discussion of caption for a forestry related film, an extract from an article on Fire Proofing Wood, correspondence requesting information on the preservative treatment of timber, and a request for a speaker to present his knowledge of wood chemistry.


Series includes statistics relating to the British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers Association. Materials consist of a comparison of logging and sawmill workers by nationality and statistics from the Bureau of Economics on commodities from British Columbia that are exported to foreign countries.


Series contains bulletins created by the British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers Association. Material consists of news bulletins, a bulletin regarding the wages of employees in the sawmill industry, bulletins that report on the logs, scaling, exports, the markets, and a bulletin relating to the BCLMA, SMA and BCLM lumber associations.


Series consists of a brief to the Sloan Commission prepared by CRCSA on the past and present status of Red Cedar Shingle industry in British Columbia, a brief to the royal Commission of Enquiry into the Forest Recourses of British Columbia, a brief prepared for the United Kingdom on the exports of Western Red Cedar Shingle to the U.K, and briefs concerning merchandising techniques of shingles.


Series consists of bulletins that discuss several topics include shares on British Columbia Red Cedar Shingle Export Association, meeting reminders for Board of Director meetings and BCLMA meetings, and general correspondence.


Series consists of circulars from the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau based in Seattle, Washington, which outline “Waterborne Shipments of Lumber” by the foot for each year, circulars concerning trade extensions regarding various markets including South Africa, the United States British West Indies, Hong Kong, extracts from the Seattle Post Intelligencer and other American newspapers.


Series contains administrative records relating to the Council of Forest Industries. Material consists of N.R. Dustings business files regarding the association’s activities and functions, and blueprints of the Canadian Indemnity Building located at 1477 Pender St, Vancouver, offices for the Council of Forest Industries, Plywood Manufacturers Association, British Columbia Loggers Association, Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers Association and the Consolidate Red Cedar Shingle Association.

Audio-visual materials.

Series contains audio-visual material relating to the Council of Forest Industries. Material consists of audio reels, video cassettes, film reels, and cassette tapes that document different types of trees, health and safety procedures during forestry operations, and promotional material regarding forestry and lumber.

结果 451 到 500 的 1886