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6 judgments against the Defendant - Sheldon

Patrick v. Sheldon (7); Victoria; 1864.01
No. of Plaint – 1012

Stemmler v. Sheldon
No. of Plaint – 1002

Cowther v. Sheldon
No. of Plaint – 1019

Turner v. Sheldon
No. of Plaint – 1151

Force v. Sheldon
No. of Plaint – 1154

Haggin v. Sheldon
No. of Plaint – 1422

(6) Summons; list of debts

  • the Plaintiffs had all received judgments against the Defendant for various amounts of money by the court. The debts remain unsatisfied by the Defendant, Mary Sheldon. The Summons all indicate that if the debts are not satisfied within a certain amount of time, the goods and chattels of the Defendant will be sold in order to satisfy the debts. The list indicates the amounts owed by Sheldon to the various parties involved in causes with her.

A. Sewell and Others v. The British Columbia Towing and Transportation Company Ltd. and the Moodyville Saw Mill Company Ltd.

File consists of five documents: writ of summons; statement of defense (one for each company); statement of claim; notice of motion. Case regards the Plaintiff claims of $80,000 for costs and for debt. The Plaintiff hired the Defendants to tow his ship, the "Thrasher", from the Port of Nanaimo to the Royal Roads and Cape Hattery. The Defendant did not safely tow or follow a safe and prudent course, and Plaintiff is suing for damages resulting from negligence and unskillfullness.

Adams v. Eddy (3); Victoria; 1860.03

No. of Plaint – 271
Summons; Invoice for $10; Warrant

  • Eddy was summoned to appear in court to answer Adams for the amount of £2.5.8. The amount was owed for goods delivered to various residences for the Defendant. Because the debt as not satisfied within the stated amount of time, the court orders that the goods and chattels of the Defendant are to be sold to satisfy the debt. A note on the execution states that Eddy satisfied the debt before the goods and chattels were sold.

Alexander McWha v. Baker

File consists of one document: affidavit of G. Barker. Case regards Defendant claiming that he has not received any notice of these proceedings against his for the amount of $228.10 as charged by Plaintiff.

Allan v. Nunn (3); Victoria; 1861.40

No. of Plaint – 843

Summons; Invoice for £19.13.9; Judgment Confessed

  • Nunn is summoned to appear in court to answer the Plaintiff for the total amount of £22.5.5. The amount is due for rent of a house, furniture and money lent by the Plaintiff to the Defendant.

Alston v. Bagnall

File consists of six documents: Agreement for Arbitration; Affidavit of Execution of Agreement to Arbitrate; Affidavit of Service;
Rule; Declaration; and Insurance that the submission herein be made a Rule of the Court. Alston and others guaranteed to the Bank of British North America an open credit for twelve months not to exceed the sum of $1,500 in favor of J. Bagnall. To secure payment of such guarantee, J. Bagnall executed a Bill of Sale of certain pianos and the amount of such sale was placed to the credit of J. Bagnall. Alston claims to have paid the Bank $293 on behalf of the guarantee and seeks action to recover the rest against J. Bagnall.

Astrico v. The Corporation of Victoria

File consists of one document: correspondence from the department of the Ministry of Agriculture. Case regards solicitation to act as arbritrators in the case of a claim for compensation for expenses incurred in the putting of the steamer ship "Prince Alfred" into quarantine.

Attorney General for the Province of British Columbia v. The Canadian Pacific Railway et al

File consists of fourteen documents: affidavit of A.S. Farwell; (7) writ of summons; affidavit of E. Bodwell; affidavit of service; affidavit of J. Walls; statement of claim; appearance; affidavit of H. Abbott. Case regards the Defendants to be ordered to convey the described properties to the Plaintiff (a trader) and that the Defendants to be ordered to release to the Plaintiff all their titles and interest in the said properties.

Bach v. Stichnotch

File consists of four documents: affidavit of C. Mason; (2) letters of correspondence; affidavit of C. Bach. Case regards a debt owed by the Defendant to the Plaintiff for $583.13 for brewing materials, sold and delivered (overdue account).

Barnard v. Beedy

File consists of two documents: Schedule "A" - Bill of Costs; Affidavit of Barnard. Plaintiff stating that Schedule "A" is a full true and particular account of the monies paid and disbursed by him on account of the partnership dealings and transactions between himself and the Plaintiff

Barnard vs Beedy

Affidavit of F.J. Barnard in support of Caprias; Praecipe for Writ of Attachment.

-Plaintiff claims that the Defendant is justly and truly indebted to him for $3,972.11, that being the amount certified due to him by the Registrar of the Supreme Court as the amount owed on unpaid accounts. The Defendant has not paid the Plaintiff the amount certified to be due and he has since left the province.

Bell v. Holbrook

File consists of one document: Note - receipt regarding the receipt of Exhibits A & B and the book of stubs belonging to the City of New Westminster, pertinent to the case

Bell v. Holbrook

File consists of ten documents: affidavit of H.M. Bell; replication; (2) summons; affidavit of W. Polland; affidavit of A.E. Davie; supplemental answers; answers to interrogatories; affidavit of Holbrook; affidavit of H.F. Heisterman.

Bell vs. Holbrook

Receipt for $346 - Exhibit "G"; Evidence of H.V. Edmonds.

-Receipt of money from H. Holbrook for which was realized by sale of lots for payment of municipal taxes. Evidence is also regarding the taxes owed and assessed.

Bennett vs. Adams

Bill of Complaint; Affidavit of Adams; Affidavit of Bennett; Bill of Costs.

-The Plaintiff is a bridge builder, the Defendant is a carpenter and joiner. The Defendant was contracted with the government of B.C. to build a bridge across the Quesnel River and asked the Plaintiff, who agreed, to work with him for a share in the profits and a partnership agreement. The Plaintiff ended up doing all of the work. The Defendant was paid in full, but would not disclose his accounts of the costs of construction. The Plaintiff believes that if her were to see these accounts, a considerable balance would be owed to him by the Defendant.

Between N. Maury and C. Sadown

File consists of two documents: Witness of Bill of Sale; and Bill of Sale. N. Maury has sold , bargained and assigned for $2,200 payable, $1,200 cash down, and a promissory note for $1,00 for the message and premises in Centreville, Caribou District , known as Maury's store.

Blakeney et al v. MacDonald et al

File consists of four documents: certificate of marriage between W. Blakeney and E. Reid; copy of the burial register for E. Blakeney; affidavit of W. Blakeney; defendant's bill of costs; plaintiff's bill of costs. Case regards W. Blakeney married E. Reid, who died without having made any disposition or appointment of the trust funds and property to which she became entitled to under the will of her father, J. Murray, deceased. Plaintiff is suing on behalf of E. Reid's children for the real estate entitled to her on Vancouver Island and the annual income of 120 pounds.

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