- RBSC-ARC-1212-6-16
- File
- 1937 - 1938
Part of German Consulate fonds
Trade between France and Canada.
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Part of German Consulate fonds
Trade between France and Canada.
Allgemeine Wirtschaftliche Lage, 1936-1939.
Part of German Consulate fonds
General economic situation.
Anbieten von Erfindungen und Patentsachen, Spezialfalle
Part of German Consulate fonds
Part of German Consulate fonds
Unemployment . Annual review of the employment situation in Canada
during 1938.
Ausstellung, Toronto, 1922-1939
Part of German Consulate fonds
Toronto Canadian National Exhibition. The file appears to contain the latest date of the collection, August 23, 1939 .
Ausstellung, Toronto, 1922-1939
Part of German Consulate fonds
Toronto Canadian National Exhibition. The file appears to contain the latest date of the collection, August 23, 1939 .
Part of German Consulate fonds
concerns the P.N.E., C.N.E., Canadian National Products Exhibit Montreal, Toy Exhibit, Montreal, Philatelic Exhibit, Hamilton.
Part of German Consulate fonds
concerns the P.N.E., C.N.E., Canadian National Products Exhibit Montreal, Toy Exhibit, Montreal, Philatelic Exhibit, Hamilton.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Concerning the exchange of young German and Canadian businessmen, application from Germans .
Part of German Consulate fonds
Sale of German and other cars in Canada, e;g . Volkswagen.
Berichte über den Handel der U.S.A.
Part of German Consulate fonds
American trade with Brazil. Accusations of dumping.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Mining industry in Canada.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Correspondence and papers concerning the boycott of German goods in Canada.
Part of German Consulate fonds
concerns the P.N.E., C.N.E., Canadian National Products Exhibit Montreal, Toy Exhibit, Montreal, Philatelic Exhibit, Hamilton.
Deutsche Aussenhandelsorganisation in Kanada
Part of German Consulate fonds
Correspondence with Wagner and Echner concerning expositions and selling of German goods in Canada, representation of German firms in Canada, the state of the German export trade in Canada, the attitude of Canadians toward buying German goods, suggestions for increasing trade to Canada.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Correspondence and brochures on German expositions and calendars of world fairs, e.g. International Traffic Exhibition, Cologne, 1940; "Schaffendes Volk", 1937; Leipzig Fair, 1938.
Deutsche Ein und Ausfuhrbestimmungen
Part of German Consulate fonds
German import and export regulations.
Part of German Consulate fonds
German customs regulations.
Part of German Consulate fonds
German customs regulations.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Part of German Consulate fonds
German foreign trade.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Consulting Engineer for the Association of German Machine Manufacturers
and technical expert for the Leipzig Fair .
Part of German Consulate fonds
Broadcasting industry, Canada.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Correspondent in Canada for German newsbureau. Concerning Dr. Siemers .
Part of German Consulate fonds
Correspondence and papers.
Part of German Consulate fonds
The fonds consists of the correspondence, reports, and memoranda (1935-1939) of the Consul General. Also included are Montreal office papers dating from 1919 and a few original documents from the Vancouver Consulate (1909-1911). There are copies of correspondence from the German Consulates at Ottawa, St . John's, Newfoundland, Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver. The papers reflect trade relations between Canada and Germany as well as between Canada and other countries, with some reference to related
political and economic affairs in Canada (e.g.. the Canadian boycott of German goods, the attitude of the Canadian Press) and economic affairs in Germany (e.g., the economic policies of the German Reich). Frequent correspondents represented in the fonds include: Dr. Anton Wagner, Commercial Attache, Montreal; L. Kempff, Consul General, Montreal (1922-1935); Schafthausen, Consul General, Montreal and Ottawa, (1937); Dr. H. Eckner, Montreal, (1938); Granow, Ottawa, (1937-1939); Koechlin ,Montreal, (1939); Windels, Ottawa, (1938-1939). Occasional correspondents include: Dr. W.T . Hinrichs, Montreal, (1934); M. Lorenz, Montreal, (1927); Dannenburg, Montreal, (1938); Dr. M. Schlimpert, Montreal, (1935); Rodde, Winnipeg; R. S. Furlong, Consul, St . John's, Newfoundland; H. W. Mahler, Vancouver, (1939). The files fall into two categories, general and personal.
Germany. Consulate (Montreal, Quebec)
Part of German Consulate fonds
Press clippings.
U .S.-U.K. trade agreement.
U.S.-U.K.-Canada agreements .
Handels und Wirtschaftsspionage, Industrie Abwanderung
Part of German Consulate fonds
Concerning interference from customs, obstruction of industry.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Trade and payment agreements between Canada and Germany.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Trade agreements, German-Canadian, American-Canadian, value of the
German Mark, German payments of trade with Canada.
Industrie Ausstellung in Montreal und Ausstellungen in Montreal
Part of German Consulate fonds
Correspondence and papers. Some correspondents are Schafhausen, Kempff, Granow, Windels, Eckner.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Game and Fishing regulations in Canada.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Yearly Reports 1937-1939
Kalender der Ausstellungen und Messen
Part of German Consulate fonds
Calendar of exhibitions and fairs in the world.
Kanada-Australien und Neuseeland
Part of German Consulate fonds
Customs regulations memoranda.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Report on Canadian trade to Australia, New Zealand and other parts of
the British Empire
Part of German Consulate fonds
Concerning a Canadian trade delegation to the far east.
Kanada-Deutschland und Österreich
Part of German Consulate fonds
Concerning Bureau of Trade extension, Victoria, Robert S. O'Meara;
.articles in Gazette attacking trade of Dictatorships; Austrian
currency .
Part of German Consulate fonds
Trade arrangements between Canada and Great Britain.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Report on Canadian trade with Italy, naming of Giuseppe Massone Italian commercial attaché, Montreal and George Sawicke, trade commissioner for Poland in Montreal.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Chiefly customs memoranda.
Kanada-Sudamerik-Staaten- Handelsbeziehungen
Part of German Consulate fonds
Concerning Uruguay.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Trade transactions between Sudetenland and a Canadian firm.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Trade agreement and other relations, e.g. President Roosevelt's address,
August 18, 1938.
Kanadische Ein und Ausfuhrverbote
Part of German Consulate fonds
Trade agreements, German-Canadian, American-Canadian, value of the
German Mark, German payments of trade with Canada.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Inquiries concerning customs duties, correspondence chiefly with Schafhausen and Wagner in Montreal.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Dumping duty.
Part of German Consulate fonds
Income and corporation taxes on foreign firms, more customs regulations, correspondence and papers.