显示 270 结果
Archival description1 有数字对象的结果 显示有数字对象的结果
Canadian Fishing Company fonds
Canadian Fishing Company fonds
Butedale Appraisements (1 of 11)
Butedale Appraisements (1 of 11)
Home Plant (Vancouver) and Atlin (Prince Rupert) Appraisement
Home Plant (Vancouver) and Atlin (Prince Rupert) Appraisement
Wales Island Appraisements
Wales Island Appraisements
Kildala Appraisement
Kildala Appraisement
Lockeport Appraisement
Lockeport Appraisement
Manitou Appraisement
Manitou Appraisement
Doty Fish Company Appraisement
Doty Fish Company Appraisement
Gulf of Georgia Appraisement
Gulf of Georgia Appraisement
Tallheo Appraisements
Tallheo Appraisements
Koprino Harbor Appraisement
Koprino Harbor Appraisement
New England Fish Company Appraisements
New England Fish Company Appraisements
Bones Bay Appraisements (1 of 4)
Bones Bay Appraisements (1 of 4)
Espinosa Appraisement
Espinosa Appraisement
Progress Reports—B—Extras
Progress Reports—B—Extras
Goose Bay Appraisement (1 of 3)
Goose Bay Appraisement (1 of 3)
Haysport Appraisement
Haysport Appraisement
Progress Reports—R—31-44—Extras [fldr 2 of 2]
Progress Reports—R—31-44—Extras [fldr 2 of 2]
Nefco: Ketchikan
Nefco: Ketchikan
File Index - Dormant Files
File Index - Dormant Files
Appraisement Maps of American and Canadian Canneries.
Appraisement Maps of American and Canadian Canneries.
Progress Reports and Notes, N
Progress Reports and Notes, N
Plants: Butedale Meal and Oil Reports
Plants: Butedale Meal and Oil Reports
Progress Reports—R—31-44—Extras [fldr 1 of 2]
Progress Reports—R—31-44—Extras [fldr 1 of 2]
Industrial Operations
Industrial Operations
Grinders: Brochures
Grinders: Brochures
[Progress reports—fish waste, laboratory data from Espinosa, offal reduction work]
[Progress reports—fish waste, laboratory data from Espinosa, offal reduction work]
Home Plant (Vancouver) Appraisements
Home Plant (Vancouver) Appraisements
Production Data
Production Data
Driers: Vacuum Brochures
Driers: Vacuum Brochures
Progress Reports—N—Extras
Progress Reports—N—Extras
Monthly and Yearly Summaries
Monthly and Yearly Summaries
Canning: General
Canning: General
Home: Ice Tank Brine
Home: Ice Tank Brine
Salmon: Quality Control
Salmon: Quality Control
Progress Reports—M—Extras
Progress Reports—M—Extras
Industrial Operations Reduction
Industrial Operations Reduction
Presses: Miscellaneous (California Press)
Presses: Miscellaneous (California Press)
Butedale Appraisements (2 of 11)
Butedale Appraisements (2 of 11)
Salmon: Overpack Reports
Salmon: Overpack Reports
Carlisle Appraisement (1 of 2)
Carlisle Appraisement (1 of 2)
Oysters [Notes, reports, regulations, and technical drawings : fldr 1 of 2]
Oysters [Notes, reports, regulations, and technical drawings : fldr 1 of 2]
Centrifuges: General Correspondence
Centrifuges: General Correspondence
Driers: Correspondence
Driers: Correspondence
结果 1 到 50 的 270