Swedish-Canadian research collection
Swedish-Canadian research collection
[Maud Bauer Photo Album]
[Maud Bauer Photo Album]
Unidentified sawmill operation on a river.
Unidentified sawmill operation on a river.
Logging scene near Vancouver, B.C.
Logging scene near Vancouver, B.C.
First Presbyterian Church, Hastings and Gore Streets, Vancouver B.C.
First Presbyterian Church, Hastings and Gore Streets, Vancouver B.C.
[Cordova and Cambie]
[Cordova and Cambie]
Vancouver B.C. Showing Brockton Point
Vancouver B.C. Showing Brockton Point
[Illustration depicting of a game of croquet]
[Illustration depicting of a game of croquet]
West coast natives, Wacas and wife
West coast natives, Wacas and wife
West coast natives, village and dance party
West coast natives, village and dance party
West coast natives, Quacum and wife
West coast natives, Quacum and wife
West coast natives, aunty
West coast natives, aunty
West coast native, a Quatsino granddad.
West coast native, a Quatsino granddad.
Two Nootka women selling baskets, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Two Nootka women selling baskets, Vancouver Island, B.C.
The Vanishing Race, The Long Headed Indian of the West Coast of BC
The Vanishing Race, The Long Headed Indian of the West Coast of BC
Quatsino, B.C., Kwakiutl house, man standing in doorway.
Quatsino, B.C., Kwakiutl house, man standing in doorway.
Quatsino Sound, Kwakiutl - canoe rigged with sail.
Quatsino Sound, Kwakiutl - canoe rigged with sail.
Quatsino Sound, Kwakiutl - canoe rigged with sail.
Quatsino Sound, Kwakiutl - canoe rigged with sail.
Photograph of Nootka woman, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Photograph of Nootka woman, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Natives, Orwat and W.
Natives, Orwat and W.
Come for the bride, west coast natives, Indian wedding.
Come for the bride, west coast natives, Indian wedding.
[B.W. Leeson Mining Photos]
[B.W. Leeson Mining Photos]
A west coast grandma, Quatsino
A west coast grandma, Quatsino
A souvenir, the vanishing race, the Long Headed Indian of the west coast of British Columbia
A souvenir, the vanishing race, the Long Headed Indian of the west coast of British Columbia
Brockton Point, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Brockton Point, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Jack Shadbolt fonds
L.E. Carter research collection
L.E. Carter research collection
Fisheries Association of British Columbia fonds
German Consulate fonds
German Consulate fonds
June 6, 1884 Richard Owen to an unknown woman
June 6, 1884 Richard Owen to an unknown woman
Bird's eye view of Fernie, B.C. six weeks after fire of Aug 1st. 1908, showing Trinity Mtn in background
Bird's eye view of Fernie, B.C. six weeks after fire of Aug 1st. 1908, showing Trinity Mtn in background
A contribution to international ill-will
A contribution to international ill-will
Psychic records
Psychic records
Of wine and wickets
Of wine and wickets
Vanderhoof, B.C., old Post Office on left, new Federal Building on right.
Vanderhoof, B.C., old Post Office on left, new Federal Building on right.
The Canadian Bank of Commerce, the old and the new, Vanderhoof, B.C.
The Canadian Bank of Commerce, the old and the new, Vanderhoof, B.C.
Outgoing letters 1945
Outgoing letters 1945
Canada Council grant application 1992-1993
Canada Council grant application 1992-1993
Biographies (1 of 2)
Biographies (1 of 2)
Fayette Bank Exhibits
Fayette Bank Exhibits
Les Walker medal collection
Les Walker medal collection
7 stories : my turquoise years : a tender thing : measure for measure : mother tongue
7 stories : my turquoise years : a tender thing : measure for measure : mother tongue
Curriculum Committee meetings
Curriculum Committee meetings
IKBSAS Heads meetings
IKBSAS Heads meetings
Psychology and Computer Science Unit meetings
Psychology and Computer Science Unit meetings
Psychology Department meetings
Psychology Department meetings
Department of Psychology
Department of Psychology