- RBSC-ARC-1004-18-3
- File
- 1994-1996
显示 223 结果
Archival description1 有数字对象的结果 显示有数字对象的结果
"Vancouver WRCNS Assoc." bulletin, names of members, /1993- 1996
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-8
- File
- 1993- 1996
- Series
- 1940-1995
Series consists of correspondence, clippings, postcards, photographs, newsletters,
and other printed material on a variety of subjects primarily related to the
W.R.C.N.S. These subjects include administration, women and women's services,
files on persons, ships, uniforms, reports, the Royal Canadian Navy, publishers,
poems, prayers, various cities in Canada, and music.
Churchhill Clippings/ 1944- 1995
- RBSC-ARC-1004-18-10
- File
- 1944-1995
"WRCNS ’95 Reunion" – correspondence, clippings, newsletters/ 1995
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-4
- File
- 1995
Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service
- Series
- 1942-1995
Series consists of newsletters, histories, regulations, clippings, and material from the Vancouver W.R.C.N.S. Association such as membership lists and
Correspondence from ‘Isherwood, Dorothy’ Mrs. Harvey Stubbs, C.B.D. AKA DISH-
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-2
- File
- 1995-1991
Discusses political/current events, includes biography of Dorothy Isherwood Stubbs.
- Series
- 1950-1995
Series contains correspondence, photographs, and printed material relating to
reunions held across Canada.
"Shipwrecks and Archaeological Treasures"- Clippings/ 1991-1994
- RBSC-ARC-1004-18-8
- File
- 1991-1994
"Greer, Rosamond Author of ‘The Girls of the King’s Navy’"/correspondence/
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-4
- File
- 1990-1993
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-5
- File
- 1993
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-4-BC-2125-3
- Item
- July 17, 1993
Bottom row Matron of Honour- Four grankids Jessica (15), Sarah (11), Marina (11), Megan (8). Middle: Graeme’s mother, John (groom), Kathy (our daughter) and Jim
Back: Best man, usher Brodie (13), usher John’s brother, Jessica, Marina and Brodie are my granddaughter’s new step children- July 17, 1993.
W.R.C.N.S."- clippings, correspondence/ 1993
- RBSC-ARC-1004-18-2
- File
- 1993
Hutton, Dorothy (Dot) Ex-WRNS" correspondence / 1990-1992
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-3
- File
- 1990-1992
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-2-BC-2125-40
- Item
- 1992
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-2-BC-2125-39
- Item
- 1992
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-2-BC-2125-41
- Item
- 1992
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-2-BC-2125-42
- Item
- 1992
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-2-BC-2125-43
- Item
- 1992
"OGILVY, Connie" –postcards, correspondence/ 1991
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-11
- File
- 1991
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-2-BC-2125-1
- Item
- 1991
Isherwood, Dorothy (Mrs. Harvey Stubbs).
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-3
- File
- 1987-1990
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-2
- File
- 1990
"MacNeil, Isabel Janet."- clipping sent to Alvey from Gladys/ 1990"
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-10
- File
- 1990
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-7
- File
- 198?-1990
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-8
- File
- 1987-1989
Alvey File (for WRCNS Collection)
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-1
- File
- 1988
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-4
- File
- 1988
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-5
- File
- 1988
WRCNS Reunion 1988. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Aug 26/28, 1988
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-9
- File
- 1988
WRCNS Reunion '88 fee / tickets / airlines and hotel reservations.
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-12
- File
- 1988
Dish 1988 and unidentified WRNS-Winnipeg
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-2-BC-2125-2
- Item
- 1988
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-1
- File
- Aug 26-28 1988
WRCNS Reunion '88. Winnipeg, Aug 26/28, 1988.
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-10
- File
- 1988
- RBSC-ARC-1004-16-15
- File
- 1986
[note on folder: For My Family- so they may have information as to location of all my WRCNS materials- and books re Women of the Sea in the Military]
WRCNS Reunion '85, Toronto Aug 9-10.
- RBSC-ARC-1004-15-11
- File
- 1985
- RBSC-ARC-1004-14-1
- File
- 1985
Boutilier, James A. - Correspondence
- RBSC-ARC-1004-2-7
- File
- 1985
- RBSC-ARC-1004-5-(1-2)
- File
- 1943-1985
Correspondence (ca. 100), Alvey, A. Brodie, G., Photographs.
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-1-BC-2125-15
- Item
- August 10, 1985
"Top of Toronto"- CN Tower Restaurant
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-1-BC-2125-12
- Item
- August 10, 1985
- RBSC-ARC-1004-17-1-BC-2125-14
- Item
- August 10, 1985
- RBSC-ARC-1004-5-7
- File
- 1951-1984
(sa: "Bytown" and "Stadacona"), correspondence, clippings.
Vancouver WRCNS Association Correspondence.
- RBSC-ARC-1004-12-(5-6)
- File
- 1963-1984
Includes Alvey's suggestion for a publication for Wren's 25th anniversary, Membership lists, Bulletins.
- RBSC-ARC-1004-8-2
- File
- 1952-1984
Correspondence, Christmas cards.
Historical research: Women at Sea and Women at war.
- RBSC-ARC-1004-4-11
- File
- ca. 1940-1984
(sa: women's services)