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A. Alexis Alvey fonds
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A. Alexis Alvey fonds

  • RBSC-ARC-1004
  • Fonds
  • 1940-1985

The fonds consists of scrapbooks, correspondence, logs, photographs and subject files relating to Alveys career, and the activities of the Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service. The fonds also includes the scrapbooks of former W.R.C.N.S., Grace Brodie and Dorothy Isherwood. The fonds divides into seven series: Subject Files - 1940-1985, Scrapbooks 1942-1977, Canadian Navy, Logs - 1943-1944, Photographs and posters - [ca.1940?]-1958, Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service - 1942-1984, WRCNS Reunions - 1950-1985.


Alice, H.R.H...

Alice, H.R.H. The Princess, Countess of Athlone 1943-83,Clippings, Photographs
Correspondence including letters written by Mary Goldie, secretary to H.R.H. The Princess Alice, to A. Alvey and G. Brodie.


The scrapbook consists of clippings & photographs May, 1942 - relating to her duties at Kingsmill House, Ottawa, Oct. 22, 1943 Galt, Vancouver, and Bytown, Ottawa. Karsh photograph of the Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, numerous candid and official photographs including the firstWren parade held in Vancouver, May 15, 1943,
programs to first night presentations of the RCN productions,"Meet the Navy," at Halifax, Ottawa, and Toronto.


The scrapbook-consists of clippings and photographs Oct. 30, 1943 -
relating mainly to H.M.C.S. "Stadacona," including a July 1945 tour of Halifax by the Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, pencil portraits by Winston Elliott and Grant MacDonald including a signed Christmas card, 1944.


This scrapbook consists of photographs, clippings, 1943-1977 (oversize, and printed material relating to the ships of the Royal at end of Canadian Navy


This scrapbook (1942- 1943) was presented to Isherwood when she left Canada Sept. 1943. It includes items collected by leading Wren Humel, member of Isherwood’s office staff, newspaper clippings on WREN activities, and an index compiled by Alvey. Typing by Rosemary (Robb) Pimental.


This scrapbook consists of photographs and clippings May 14, 1942 relating to her duties at various stations. There is - Sept.21, 1943 some overlap with Alvey's scrapbook, but there are different photos of the same events. There is an autographed photo of the Navy team that won the Calgary Garrison championship,1942-43.


The scrapbook consists mainly of photographs and Oct.23, 1943 clippings relating to Grace Brodie's activities at the - Sept.10, 1945 H.M.C.S. "Protector" at Sydney, Nova Scotia, during her term as unit officer.


Newsletters (unofficial newsletter 1948-58 produced by ex-Wrens) nearly complete.

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