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한마당 회원 / Hanmadang hoewŏn
한마당 회원 / Hanmadang hoewŏn
춤다솜 / Ch'umdasom
춤다솜 / Ch'umdasom
초청장: [발신인] 이사장 노영복, 교장 안영주, [수신인] 교민/ Ch'och'ŏngjang: [palsin in] isajang No, Yŏng-bok, Kyojang An, Yŏng-ju, [susin in] kyomin
초청장: [발신인] 이사장 노영복, 교장 안영주, [수신인] 교민/ Ch'och'ŏngjang: [palsin in] isajang No, Yŏng-bok, Kyojang An, Yŏng-ju, [susin in] kyomin
제8차 이사회 / Che 8-ch'a Isahoe
제8차 이사회 / Che 8-ch'a Isahoe
밴쿠버 ROTC 동문 주소록 2010-2011 / Paenk'ubŏ ROTC tongmun chusorok 2010-2011
밴쿠버 ROTC 동문 주소록 2010-2011 / Paenk'ubŏ ROTC tongmun chusorok 2010-2011
교사진 / Kyosajin - Vancouver Korean School
교사진 / Kyosajin - Vancouver Korean School
공고 / Konggo : 합의 사항 /Hapŭi sahang
공고 / Konggo : 합의 사항 /Hapŭi sahang
龍鳳閣大酒家 = Loon Foon Kwok Restaurant
龍鳳閣大酒家 = Loon Foon Kwok Restaurant
[龍岡親義公所民國六十八年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1979 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國六十八年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1979 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國八十四年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1995 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國八十四年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1995 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國八十四年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1995 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國八十四年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1995 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國八十三年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1994 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國八十三年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1994 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國七十四年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1985 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國七十四年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1985 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國七十二年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1983 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所民國七十二年職員表 = Long Kung Association 1983 staff roster]
[龍岡親義公所委任證書 = Lung Kung Benevolent Association appointment certification]
[龍岡親義公所委任證書 = Lung Kung Benevolent Association appointment certification]
龍岡校刋 = Lung Kong School publication
龍岡校刋 = Lung Kong School publication
龍岡季刋 = Lung Kong Quarterly
龍岡季刋 = Lung Kong Quarterly
[鼎惠堅決恭辭如蒙寵鍚鴻文佳什清於年内十一月十五日以前…] / 崔通約
[鼎惠堅決恭辭如蒙寵鍚鴻文佳什清於年内十一月十五日以前…] / 崔通約
黄文甫先生哀思錄 = Condolences on the passing of Mr. Wong Mun Po
黄文甫先生哀思錄 = Condolences on the passing of Mr. Wong Mun Po
[黄文甫, Wong Mun Po]
[黄文甫, Wong Mun Po]
[黃雲山總公所 = Wong Wun Sun Society]
[黃雲山總公所 = Wong Wun Sun Society]
[黃雲山總公所 = Wong Wun Sun Society]
[黃雲山總公所 = Wong Wun Sun Society]
鳳凰飯店 = Foo's Restaurant
鳳凰飯店 = Foo's Restaurant
[駐雲高華埠加拿大華僑勸募救國公債總分會修正章程 = Vancouver Chinatown Canadian Overseas Chinese save the nation through bond purchase fund]
[駐雲高華埠加拿大華僑勸募救國公債總分會修正章程 = Vancouver Chinatown Canadian Overseas Chinese save the nation through bond purchase fund]
駐雲高華加拿大林西河總堂實業部章程股份芳名錄 = Residents of Vancouver Canadian Lim Sai Hor Benevolent Association stockholder listing
駐雲高華加拿大林西河總堂實業部章程股份芳名錄 = Residents of Vancouver Canadian Lim Sai Hor Benevolent Association stockholder listing
[駐雲高華加拿大李氏總公所第五十屆職員表 = Resident of Vancouver Canada Li Clan Association 50th staff roster]
[駐雲高華加拿大李氏總公所第五十屆職員表 = Resident of Vancouver Canada Li Clan Association 50th staff roster]
[駐加拿大雲高華岡州總會舘第五十屆選舉票 = Canada Vancouver Kong Chow Benevolent Association 50th election candidates]
[駐加拿大雲高華岡州總會舘第五十屆選舉票 = Canada Vancouver Kong Chow Benevolent Association 50th election candidates]
[駐加拿大雲高華中山隆鎮同鄉會 = Canadian Vancouver Lung Chan clan association by-laws]
[駐加拿大雲高華中山隆鎮同鄉會 = Canadian Vancouver Lung Chan clan association by-laws]
駐加拿大雲高華中山海外同鄉濟難分會徵信錄 = Donation listings for the refugees by Zhongshan overseas fellow countryman rescuing association
駐加拿大雲高華中山海外同鄉濟難分會徵信錄 = Donation listings for the refugees by Zhongshan overseas fellow countryman rescuing association
[駐加拿大雲埠岡州總會館實業部章程股份名錄 = Residents of Canada Vancouver Chinatown Kong Chow Benevolent Association Business chapter shareholders list and report]
[駐加拿大雲埠岡州總會館實業部章程股份名錄 = Residents of Canada Vancouver Chinatown Kong Chow Benevolent Association Business chapter shareholders list and report]
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society / 李聖庭
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society / 李聖庭
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society / 李聖庭
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society / 李聖庭
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society / 李聖庭
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society / 李聖庭
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society
駐三藩市美洲孔教總會 = Confucian Society
[馬金紫堂 = Gim Doo Hung paper]
[馬金紫堂 = Gim Doo Hung paper]
[香港漢興中醫學院畢業證書 = Lock Tin Lee’s Diploma from the Hon Hing Institute of Chinese Medicine]
[香港漢興中醫學院畢業證書 = Lock Tin Lee’s Diploma from the Hon Hing Institute of Chinese Medicine]
香港南英中學暨附屬小學五週年校慶紀念全體員生攝影 [Group photo of all staff and students of the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong Nan Ying Secondary School and Affiliated Primary School]
香港南英中學暨附屬小學五週年校慶紀念全體員生攝影 [Group photo of all staff and students of the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong Nan Ying Secondary School and Affiliated Primary School]
餐館業華人職工聯誼會 = Chinese restauntrant workers union
餐館業華人職工聯誼會 = Chinese restauntrant workers union
[雷天一大神水 = Lei Tian Yi Dashen Shui]
[雷天一大神水 = Lei Tian Yi Dashen Shui]
[雲高華馬氏公所簡章 = Vancouver Mah Society rules and regulations]
[雲高華馬氏公所簡章 = Vancouver Mah Society rules and regulations]
雲高華長老基督青年會第二次徵求會員 = Vancouver Presbyterian Church 2nd recruitment drive
雲高華長老基督青年會第二次徵求會員 = Vancouver Presbyterian Church 2nd recruitment drive
[雲高華華埠扶輪會主辦籌建華僑學校福利大廈有將彩票 = Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown fund-raising raffle for Chinese neighbourhood house]
[雲高華華埠扶輪會主辦籌建華僑學校福利大廈有將彩票 = Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown fund-raising raffle for Chinese neighbourhood house]
[雲高華粤僑公司 = Yuit Kui Co. letter to 求欽, Yip Him]
[雲高華粤僑公司 = Yuit Kui Co. letter to 求欽, Yip Him]
[雲高華李氏分所第五十屆職員表 = Vancouver Lee Clan Association 50th staff roster]
[雲高華李氏分所第五十屆職員表 = Vancouver Lee Clan Association 50th staff roster]
[雲高華李氏分所各昆仲業已登記註册芳名 = Vancouver Lee Clan Association election registered candidates]
[雲高華李氏分所各昆仲業已登記註册芳名 = Vancouver Lee Clan Association election registered candidates]
[雲高華崇正會第五屆職員表 = Vancouver Tsung Tsin Association 5th staff roster]
[雲高華崇正會第五屆職員表 = Vancouver Tsung Tsin Association 5th staff roster]
雲高華各界華僑= Vancouver Overseas Chinese community
雲高華各界華僑= Vancouver Overseas Chinese community
Results 1 to 50 of 157698