Motion Pictures



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Motion Pictures

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Motion Pictures

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Motion Pictures

6 Archival description results for Motion Pictures

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At Home in the Universe: The Life and Times of William Shatner fonds

  • UBCA-ARC-1442
  • Fonds
  • 1993 - 1999

Fonds consists of audiovisual material created or compiled during production as well as 14 folders of written documentation related to the production of the film. It consists largely of interviews with Shatner, members of his family and associates, portions of previous roles portrayed by Shatner, as well as reminiscences from other prominent actors such as Leonard Nimoy, Kate Mulgrew, Patrick Stewart and Jason Alexander. There is also extensive footage of Shatner at his ranch, hosting his annual charity horseshow, touring his childhood home and McGill University, and his attempts to save the wild horses of Santa Cruz Island.
The content of this fonds is housed on several different video and audio formats: such as Betacam SP(small) and (large), Hi-8, VHS, U-Matic tape (¾ in.), audiocassette tape and DAT audio tape. Much of this audio and video material was used in the production of the final “cut” of the documentary, and content is represented across several of these formats, with audio content found in both audio and video formats.

At Home in the Universe: The Life and Times of William Shatner (Documentary)

Bitter Paradise: The Sell-Out of East Timor Fonds

  • UBCA-ARC-1444
  • Fonds
  • 1985-1997

The fonds consists primarily of video recordings of interviews, meetings, seminars, performances, and local footage shot in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, East Timor and Indonesia. It consists of 178 video recordings including 97 beta tapes (large and small), 80 VHS tapes and a broadcast DVD and six audio recordings. Many of the video elements include both a beta and VHS copy. The fonds is divided into three series. The largest of the three series consists of beta and VHS tapes of raw footage and background research shot or collected by Brière from Canada, the United Kingdom, Indonesia and East Timor. This series also includes six audio recordings. There is a separate series of video recordings of lectures and interviews with Noam Chomsky regarding East Timor recorded during his visit to Vancouver in March 1996. The third series consists of beta masters of the finished documentary, including video in NTSC and PAL formats, and English, French and Swedish language versions.
Much of the content of "Bitter Paradise" consists of interviews with Canadian and foreign individuals engaged in the events in East Timor, either as businessmen, bureaucrats or politicians working with the Indonesian government on trade and development projects in East Timor, or as activists, dissidents, and supporters of the liberation movements within the island nation. In Canada, interviews with Warren Allmand, David Kilgour and Svend Robinson (federal Members of Parliament), David Webster of the East Timor Alert Network, Geoffrey Robinson (Amnesty International, now UCLA History Department), portray the interests of those supporting the resistance. At the same time, Colin Baker (Simons Engineering), David Mundy (Kilbourn Engineering) and Ron Richardson (Asia Pacific Foundation) identify business and development opportunities in East Timor and Indonesia for Canadian companies. There are insights on East Timor supplied through interviews with local and international actors, including Noam Chomsky and Carmel Budiardjo (an Indonesian dissident and founder of TAPOL). Also, with an Amnesty International prisoner of conscience, Constancio Pinto (former guerrilla fighter and currently Timor Leste Ambassador to Washington) and Muchtar Pakpahan, a labour leader jailed repeatedly in Indonesia who, in 2011, resigned as head of the Indonesian Labour Party. The documentary also includes live footage from international broadcasters (BBC, Australian Broadcasting Corp.) of the Dili Massacre (Santa Cruz Cemetery) in November 1991, when more than 260 protesters were killed by Indonesian troops. The broadcast filming of that event, first shown on ITV, the UK in 1992, was pivotal in the campaign to bring western nations to apply pressure for independence, achieved a decade later.
The fonds also contains archival film footage from the Portuguese era of East Timor, a film on projects being undertaken in the country by the Roman Catholic Church, smuggled footage of the East Timorese resistance movement in countryside, footage of Indonesian troops being trained in Australia and of the Indonesian invasion of East Timor.

Bitter Paradise: The Sell-Out of East Timor

Elitha Peterson Productions - “Champions for Change” fonds

  • UBCA-ARC-1473
  • Fonds
  • 2004-2006

The fonds consists of textual documents and audiovisual materials that relate to the filming and production of “Champions for Change.” The textual materials include synopsis and scripts, tape logs, shot lists, transcripts and interview transcripts. A number of the tapes (including #3, #9, #10, #16, #17, #20 and #21) are not transcribed. The audiovisual materials are 26 videotapes, including master copies of the three-part series “Champions for Change,” the master dub tape, and additional footage of interviews with key individuals. The individuals interviewed include Chantal Benoit, Jeff Adams, Chantal Petitclerc, B. MacPherson, Kristine Bacharach, Travis Engen, Dan Gangier, Eric Gagnon, and Rebecca Borneman. The tapes also include stock footage and B-roll shots.

Elitha Peterson Productions - Champions for Change

Historical sound and moving image collection

  • UBCA-ARC-1277
  • Collection
  • 1958-1990

Collection consists of recordings of a variety of UBC events including installations of university presidents, debates, social functions, building openings, meetings of campus student and administrative organizations, and speeches by visiting politicians and dignitaries. In addition, the collection includes recordings of student protests on campus. Specific provenance of items is unclear.

Manufacturing Consent fonds

  • UBCA-ARC-1507
  • Fonds
  • 1970-2000

Fonds consists of textual and audiovisual material relating to the production of the movie "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media", released in 1992, and the companion book by Mark Achbar published in 1994. The filmmakers chose to capture
the majority of their work on film, rather than video, for several reasons. Firstly, during the 1980’s, video resolution was significantly lower than film negative and in an effort to ensure the image resolution was high film was chosen as the predominant medium.
As well, the NFB (National Film Board) was equipped primarily for film shooting, processing and editing. Finally, the motivation to participate in film festivals, which wanted film rather than video, compelled the filmmakers to use film as their medium. Some small format video, captured using rented broadcast quality video gear, was used for long talks or events which would have been uneconomical to shoot in film. The audiovisual material includes original camera negatives, audio and video tapes and sound bites used as research material and in the making of the film as well as some post-production rough cuts, alternative versions and promotional material relating to the distribution of the film and subsequent video. The textual material includes pre and post-production materials as well as production logs and graphical materials. Much of the post-production material relates to the promotion of the film and the media coverage of the film and of Noam Chomsky.

Manufacturing Consent

Vivaxis Energies Research International Society fonds

  • UBCA-ARC-1311
  • Fonds
  • 1969-1997

The fonds consists of a copy of the society's constitution (1976), newsletters (1970-1997), correspondence (1973-1985), publications (1969-1984), and audio and video tapes and films (1975-1983).

Vivaxis Energies Research International Society