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2 Archival description results for Narratives

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D.C. McKechnie fonds

  • UBCA-ARC-1461
  • Fonds
  • 1977, 1987

Fonds consists of a typewritten narrative of McKechnie’s and classmate George Gilchrist’s 1919 hiking trip through the Bridge River region, and two photocopied 1977 articles about his dog-sled journey from Hudson Bay to Cambridge Bay in the western Arctic.

McKechnie, D.C.

Gladys Wright fonds

  • UBCA-ARC-1388
  • Fonds
  • 1923, 1980

Fonds consists of a hand-written account of Gladys Wright's memories of the UBC Fairview campus. Also included are seven heavily-annotated textbooks (copies of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, The Merchant of Venice, Coriolanus, Twelfth Night (2 copies), Julius Caesar, and Othello) used in Garnett G. Sedgewick's English courses. The latter items document teaching and note-taking methods from the 1920s, particularly those practiced in Sedgewick's classes.

Wright, Gladys