Wong, Allan Sunn

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Authorized form of name

Wong, Allan Sunn

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  • Wong, Yim Sun

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Born WONG Yim Sun, Allan Sunn WONG was a New Year’s baby; he entered this world on January 1, 1909 in Victoria.

At some point during his childhood, his family moved to Vancouver where they owned a house on Thurlow Street, right behind St. Paul’s Hospital, and ran a grocery store nearby called Honest Way.

When WWII erupted, many young Chinese Canadian men and women tried to enlist in an effort to show their loyalty to Canada and help win the vote for Chinese. The family understands that Allan was not accepted for service because he had flat feet.

Allan married Margaret Mah who was originally from Winnipeg. They would have four children and raise their family in Vancouver and Kimberley.

Allan supported the family by working in the family grocery business. Later, working alongside his wife, he managed a restaurant, then owned and operated a cafe. Running these businesses consumed most of his time and energy.

However, in the moments when he did relax, his daughter Brenda Wong, recalls that Allan “could play the piano even though he had no training and couldn't read music. He also loved to drive, smoke cigars and pipes, and enjoy a glass of Dubonnet now and then.”

Allan died in 1985. He was 76 years old.


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