Wong, Jim Quai Lun

Identity area

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

Wong, Jim Quai Lun

Parallel form(s) of name

  • 黃桂煖

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

Other form(s) of name

  • Wong, Quai Lun
  • Wong, Jim

Identifiers for corporate bodies

Description area

Dates of existence



WONG Quai Lun (known in Canada as Jim Wong) arrived in Canada in 1912, finding work in Victoria and the Creston region of B.C.

In the 1940s, he moved to Alberta and settled in the village of Longview. There Jim ran a restaurant, a rooming house and a convenience store.

He was known for being a very reliable businessman. In the early days, all the dry goods stocked in the store were ordered and purchased from travelling salesmen who would make their rounds once or twice a month. Over time, these salesmen got to know the various store owners. Upon Jim’s retirement, one salesman remarked that collecting for the bill was never a problem – Jim always paid on time and with cash. The invoice was simply a note with the name “Jim” at the top.

In 1955, he returned to China to marry Kim (Leung) and bring her back to Canada. They had three children all born in Canada: May Lei; Debbie and Calvin, although their daughter May Lei died of leukemia at age three.

Jim was described as a very quiet man; he kept mostly to himself and enjoyed life's simple pleasures like cutting flowers from his lilac bush, raising chickens and enjoying a glass of whiskey.

Jim passed away on February 13, 1983.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Access points area

Subject access points

Place access points


Control area

Authority record identifier

Institution identifier

Rules and/or conventions used


Level of detail

Dates of creation, revision and deletion




Description supplied by collector/curator

Maintenance notes

  • Clipboard

  • Export

  • EAC

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