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John Keenlyside Legal Research Collection File
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Torrens v. Chalmers

File consists of five documents: declaration; bill of costs; judgment for want of plea; writ of summons; and affidavit of service of writ. Case regards the Plaintiff suing the Defendant for monies lent by him to the Defendant for an overdue promissory note in the amount of $755 plus interest. Plaintiff claims $1,600.

Mayer v. Smith

File consists of two documents: summons; and affidavit of R. Bishop. Case regards action brought for the recovery of damages by the Plaintiff against the Defendant for criminal conversation with the Plaintiff's wife. Defendant and Mayer's wife left Esquimalt by way of steamer to Portland, Washington and were then living together.

Insley v. Webster

File consists of two documents: order to hold to bail; and affidavit to hold to bail. Case regards the Defendant being indebted to the Plaintiff for $2,000 on an unpaid promissory note.

Marvin v. Elford

File consists of three documents: writ of summons; affidavit of service; and judgment by default. Case regards the Plaintiff's claim of $42 from the Defendant for an unpaid promissory note plus $12.50 for costs and interest.

Culverwell v. Warner

File consists of six documents: affidavit of W. Culverwell; order substitution of service; writ of summons; affidavit of service; judgment by default; and bill of costs. Case regards the Plaintiff's claim of $47.25 principal due to him as payee on a promissory note with the Defendant.

Evans v. Mendoza

File consists of five documents: order to hold to bail; affiavit of J. Coplund; bail price; appearance; affidavit of G. Evans; and affidavit of C. Gabel. Plaintiff claims that the Defendant is indebted to him for 140 pounds sterling as the holder of a certain Bill of Exchange. The Defendant is about to leave the colony for California and the Plaintiff asks that he be apprehended.

Sheenan v. Gordon

File consists of two documents: affidavit to hold to bail; and order to hold to bail. The Defendant is indebted to the Plaintiff for $130.25 for money lent and goods sold and delivered at his request. The Defendant is about to leave Vancouver Island for Russia and Plaintiff asks that he be apprehended.

James et al. v. Skinner

File consists of one document: record regarding the possession of all dwelling houses and cottages, gardens, etc., and lands situated in Esquimalt District and conflicting claims on the properties.

In the Matter of G.E. Dennes, Attorney

File consists of two documents: affidavit of W.S. Green; and affidavit of A. Coraceith. Green had applied to Dennes for the payment of $300 that he had received for and on behalf of Green's client but Dennes would not be specific as to where the money was. Coraceith paid Dennes retainer fees to act as his lawyer but since then is unable to get in contact with him.

Matheson v. Stewart Meldrum and Co.

File consists of eighteen documents: affidavit of Bishop and Matheson; particulars of set off; bill of costs; summons; affidavit of Matheson to obtain order to examine witness; affidavit of E. Dennes; affidavit of Matheson and Watson; affidavit of A. Stenhouse; evidence of A. Stenhouse; affidavits of Matheson and Stenhouse; evidence of A. Stenhouse; joint affidavit between Green and Prevort; affidavits of Matheson; record; and affidavit of J. Colquhoun.

Plaintiff had originally hired E. Dennes as his attorney in his case but was dissatisfied with the lack of progress and action being taken. The action is brought about for recovery of $1,891 for salary due to the Plaintiff and for work and labor done and for money expended by him for the Defendants at their request. Defendant Meldrum has left Victoria, thus further delaying the case.

Edwards v. Griffin

File consists of one document: affidavit of Plaintiff of debt regarding the Defendant being indebted for $165.60 for balance of principal and interest due on a promissory note. The Defendant is about to leave Victoria for Olympia, Washington and Plaintiff is asking the he be apprehended.

Bunster v. Simpson

File consists of three documents: judgment by default; writ of summons; and affidavit of service. Plaintiff claims $200 principal due to him as payee on a promissory note plus $20 for costs.

Marvin v. Murray

File consists of two documents: order to hold to bail; and affidavit to hold to bail. Defendant is indebted to Plaintiff for $198.87 for principal money and interest due to him as endorsee of a promissory note.

Culverwell v. Monaghan; the Culverwell Bankruptcy

File consists of seven documents: Affidavit of W. Culverweli; Submission and Affidavit of Execution thereof; Affidavit of the Execution of the Award; Affidavit of Appointment of Umpire and Enlargement of Time; Affidavit of Drake; Bill of Costs; and Exhibit A. Culverwell is suing Monaghan over certain differences and disputes that have arisen between the said parties with
respect to a contract made between them for the supply and delivery of 500 cords of wood. Mr. Culverwell has
previously declared bankruptcy.

McWha v. Cameron

File consists of three documents: Judges Order for Release of the Defendant; Praecipe for Writ of Summons; and Praecipe for Caprias. Order that the Defendant be released from jail for reasons unknown.

Bunster v. Joseph and Joseph

File consists of two documents: Records; and Jury List. Plaintiff claims $6,000 for damages. Plaintiff is owner of land through which a stream water flowed, and also owner of buildings on the said land for use by the Plaintiff in his trade of malster and brewer. The
Defendant obstructed and prevented the water of the stream from running and flowing, causing it to overflow and rise to a much higher than normal level, flooding the Plaintiffs land and buildings, and ruining large quantities of malt ale and beer.

Nicholson v. Ash

File consists of one document: Record of Plaintiff claiming money owed to him by the Defendant for goods sold and delivered and for work done and materials provided in the amount of $1,232.56 U.S. coin.

Bryant v. Bartleman

File consists of two documents: Affidavit of P. Bartleman and A Verdier; and Writ of Summons. Plaintiff claims $40 principal due to him as payee on a promissory note. The Defendant claims that he has already settled the debt.

Marvin v. Whitford

File consists of eleven documents: Receipt from Whitford to Marvin; correspondence between Whitford and Marvin; correspondence between Marvin and Geller; and Commission for Examination of G. Kastronniteroff and H. Wylot. Marvin seems to have made arrangements for Whitford to open up a business for him in Alaska. There are some unpaid debts and confusions between the Defendant and the Plaintiff regarding money lent to begin the business.

Spurlock v. Clarke

File consists of six documents: Affidavits of J.Austin; Writ; Affidavit of R. Bishop and T. Davie; Bill of Costs; and Affidavit of J. Copland. Case is regarding the disbursement of the goods and chattels of G. Clarke and seizure of his farm "Twin Oaks."

J. Muir, R. Muir, and M. Muir v. Morton

File consists of thirteen documents: Affidavits of M. Muir; Affidavit of J.R. Stewart; Affidavit of H. Rhodes; Notice of Intention to Take out Summons; Affidavit of H. Rhodes; Affidavit of J. Welsh; Writ; Correspondence of J.R. Stewart; Correspondence of Drake and Co.; Joint Affidavit of G. Pearkes and J.J. Austin; Writ of Inquiry; and Plaintiff's Bill of Costs.

Action is brought about for the recovery of $3,685.69--$1,200 being the balance due on the Charter Party regarding cargo on the ship "Sarah March" of which the Defendant is Master, $485.69 for goods sold and delivered and for work and labor done, and $2,000 damages sought to be recovered by the Defendants breach of contract in neglecting and refusing to sign documents as per the Charter Party.

Hutchinson to Bent

File consists of one document: Chattel Mortgage wherein Hutchinson bargains, sells, and conveys his entire pack train consisting of 50 mules and their rigging for the sum of $1,330.

Dodgson v. Anderson

File consists of eleven documents: Commissions to A.H. Richardson, Esq.; Affidavit of A. Richards; Notice of Examination Under Commission; Plaintiff's Answers to Defendant's Interrogatories; Affidavit answering Interrogatories; Affidavit of Anderson and Bishop in Support of Order for Interrogatories; Affidavit of Dodgson; Affidavit of Anderson in Order for Discovery; Rule to Discontinue; Particulars of Demand; and Order.

Action is brought about by the Plaintiff to recover money owed to him be the Defendant and for a breach of contract between them regarding the purchase of cattle from Oregon. Plaintiff claims that he had settled his accounts with the Defendant which were recorded in a ledger of some sort and he asks that those records be admissible in his case. Judge rules that this action be discontinued.

Duck and Sandover v. Hamilton

File consists of two documents: Affidavit to Hold to Bail; and Order to Hold to Bail. Plaintiff claims $160 owed to him by the Defendant. The Defendant is about to leave the jurisdiction of the court and the Plaintiff asks that he be apprehended.

Stewart, Turnbull and Cranney v. Asle

File consists of one document: affidavit of H. Courtney. Case regards the affidavit outlining that all of the above named Plaintiffs are resident out of jurisdiction of the court. Plaintiff Stewart has been paid $2,000.00 plus interest as appears set out in the Bill of Complaint.

Dunlevy & Others v. Brousseau

File consists of seven documents: final judgment; (2) affidavit of Dunlevy and Wright; correspondence; affidavit of Brousseau; subpoena; appearance. Case regards the plaintiff suing for wrongful treatment, breach of contracts in regards to delivery, sale and use of goods in the amount of $5,000.

Riley v. Brown

File consists of five documents: order to pay, writ of summons, affidavit or service, plaintiff's bill of costs, judgement. Case regards Plaintiff claims $239.70 principal due plus interest on a primssory note for $357.74 made by the Defendant.

The Right Reverend George Hills, Lord Bishop of British Columbia v. E. Cridge

File consists of one document: amended bill of complaint. Case regards the said E. Cridge, acting as Minister of the Church of Christ with no authority or license authorizing him to officiate and perform the offices of clergyman. Defendant refusing the acknowledge ecclesiastical law and failing to conform to the discipline and government of the Church.

Jacob Sehl v. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company

File consists of thirteen documents: (4) notices in the British Columbia Gazette; correspondence discussing Sehl's claim for damages; invoice of damaged goods; correspondence outlining attorneys; invoice of goods shipped; correspondence regarding case; judgement for want of plea; plaintiff's bill of costs; writ to recover damages; declaration. Case regards Plaintiff paid for goods to be shipped and delivered in apparent good order. The goods were not delivered in apparent good order and condition to the Plaintiff but were damaged and deteriorated in value, many rendered of no use to the Plaintiff.

Alexander McWha v. Baker

File consists of one document: affidavit of G. Barker. Case regards Defendant claiming that he has not received any notice of these proceedings against his for the amount of $228.10 as charged by Plaintiff.

Lizzie A. Milsom v. Edward Albert Sharpe, falsely called Sharpe v. Sharpe

File consists of five documents: (2) affidavit of L.A. Milsom; (2) affidavit of Mrs. Woods; petition for a decree of nulling of marriage. Case regards the Plaintiff claiming that herself and the Defendant never lived together or shared a bed. The marriage was never consumated. Mr. Sharpe was frequently intoxicated and abusive towards the petitioner, Ms. Milsom, and she wishes that marriage be immediately annulled. See 18-43 for more.

Astrico v. The Corporation of Victoria

File consists of one document: correspondence from the department of the Ministry of Agriculture. Case regards solicitation to act as arbritrators in the case of a claim for compensation for expenses incurred in the putting of the steamer ship "Prince Alfred" into quarantine.

结果 151 到 200 的 987