- RBSC-ARC-1857-SF04-03-02
- File
- n.d.
Harvey Burt speaking about his relationship with Malcolm Lowry. Three phases of relationship: author/ man with a great sense of humor; world famous author.
Harvey Burt speaking about his relationship with Malcolm Lowry. Three phases of relationship: author/ man with a great sense of humor; world famous author.
1-2 // 1/2 through: 3 Lowry Songs
AIKEN, Conrad: 25 Feb. 1971; HENN, T.R.: 9 Mar. 1972; FRANCILLON, Clarisse: 1 Aug.-28 Dec. 1973; The Leys Public School: 1 Apr. 1973; LOWRY, Wilfrid: 25 Feb.-19 Nov. 1973; La Mairie du XIV Arrond: 26 Jan. 1973; O'KILL, Brian: 2 Feb.-26 Nov. 1973; STERN, James: 27 Jan.-4 Mar. 1973; Wallasey Public Libraries: 26 Jan.-10 Feb. 1973; WATKINS, Armitage: 1 Apr. 1973
2 donkeys and a man on the street [Sicily].
[2 men at the side of a road, one with a basket of flowers on his head, Haiti].
[2 men positioning a home made ladder].
Two handwriten poems by Malcolm Lowry: Sestina in a Cantina; Wind Blowing Through the Shack
2 women and child at seaside [Sicily].
2 women in front of a pump in street [Sicily].
[2 women standing together outdoors].
[2 women standing together outdoors].
[3 men and Margerie posed together on the deck of a ship].
3 shacks in Dollarton, Margerie is at the door.
A Canadian Turned Back at the Border
A Child I Thought Summer Would Solve All Things
A Child May Find No Words For Its Sorrow
A Dried Up River is Like the Soul
A Few Items Culled From What Started Out to be a Sort of Preface to a Filmscript
White Pelican, vol. IV, no. 2 [preface to the Lowrys' treatment of Tender is the Night]. Includes an introduction by Paul Tiessen.
A Fig for 6-par-T-pak Ginger Ale!
Wake, no. 11. Contains A Letter, Lowry's letter to Seymour Laurence, editor of Wake, for the Conrad Aiken issue.
Side A recordings: Singing the Blues [1927]; Running Ragged [1929]; After you've gone [1936]; Commentary: three records that might help you assimilate a lecture on Malcolm Lowry; Parson Brown; Unidentified speaker describing band-stand set-up [New Year, 1967?]. Many references to Lowry [on one side of sound cassette].
A. Lowry on Weill but minus beginning 10
[A man posing with Margerie and Lowry outdoors].
[A man, woman, and Earle Birney on the Dollarton shack pier].
Harper's Bazaar, no. 3,000. Also contains: It Was Not So; London Magazine, vol. 1, no. 9 Contains: Look Out! The Bloody Bosun!; Byzantium; and Visiting the Wreck: An Able Seaman Explains [poems]; Arizona Quarterly, vol. XVII, no. 4, contains: No Company But Fear [poem].
A Passing Impatience With a Noble Country
A Pilgrim Passes Through the Town By Night
A Poem About a Poem That Can't be Written
A Prayer For the New Year [Prayer From the Wicket Gate For Forty One Doors For Forty Two]
Leys Fortnightly, vol. 50, no. 870
A Wounded Voice Over the Telephone
About Ice: A Story Told by a Canadian Fisherman
Above All, Absent Yourself from That Affair