Manuscripts Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
04-03 Avoiding the Unavoidable Undergraduate essay on protest against skytrain in Cedar Cottage, Grandview-Woodland Allan Jung File 1983
04-07 Pacific Reforestation Workers Association newsletters, pamphlets File 1984-1985
04-08 Centennial Commission Clippings File 1985
04-11 Working for You B.C. Government Employees' Union Calendar File 1983
05-05 Two Depressions In One Lifetime File n.d.
05-09 Mine Mill Mike Solski, John Smaller File 1984
03-18 Select Bibliography on B.C. Labour Draft File n.d.
04-04 Cumberland, B.C. Mining History File 1985-1986
04-09 Centennial Commission publications File 1985-1986
05-02 Information file Union publications File 1982-1985
05-04 An Outline History of Typographical Union No. 226, 1887-1938 George Bartley File [1939]
05-06 A Union Amongst Government Employees Bruce McLean File 1979
04-05 CAIMAW Portrait of a Canadian Union Patricia Gwen Atherton UBC Graduate thesis File 1981
05-01 No Greater Power A Century of Labour in B.C. Paul Phillips Copy File 1967
05-08 Building British Columbia A History of Union Carpenters 1883-1978 File 1979
05-10 Firing Iron Mike Youds File 1982
05-12 Your Worship, Members of Council File 1980
03-19 Unearthing Labour's Cultural History in B.C. Sara Diamond File 1985
04-01 Draft history of Union organising File n.d.
04-02 Draft Manuscripts on history of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners [Doug Cruikshank] File [1986]
04-06 Union and other newsletters File 1977-1987
04-10 1986 Labor History Calendar Pacific Northwest Labor History Association File 1986
05-03 Labour History File 1977-1983
05-07 100 Anniversary Vancouver District Labour Council 1889-1989 Adele Perry File 1989
05-11 A History of Shipbuilding in British Columbia File 1977